People Are Getting Real About Everything You Can Expect After You Turn 40

Growing old comes with all sorts of ups and downs.

Estelle Getty, Bea Arthur, Rue McClanahan sitting around a kitchen table in "The Golden Girls"
© Touchstone Television / Courtesy Everett Collection

We recently asked people 40 and over in the BuzzFeed Community to share the best and worst parts of getting older. Here's what they had to say:

1."Being in my 40s is truly liberating. It no longer occurs to me to think about how others might perceive me. I don't chase youth because I know I am not young. I get to be with myself and not with anybody else's idea of who they think that is. However, with that liberation comes the loss of attention. As a woman, I feel a bit invisible in spaces where I used to shine. I also wish I had known how to better prepare for the loss of my parents. You don't know what you have until it is gone."

Linda Cardellini with long, wavy hair and bangs dressed in a striped shirt smiles gently while sitting in a bright kitchen


Saeed Adyani / © Netflix / Courtesy Everett Collection

2."The worst about getting older is that your parents get old and pass away. The best part is aging beautifully."

—Natasha, London, United Kingdom

3."Everything we learned how to do on computers is now useless. The smartphone has replaced so many things that it's mind-boggling, and it's annoying that it changes with every update, regardless if you want it or not. I will admit it is nice to do things like check the weather at any time or place instead of waiting for the 5 o'clock news."

Three people holding smartphones, seen from below. Their faces are not visible. They wear casual clothing and rings.


Xavier Lorenzo / Getty Images

4."The older I get, the faster time seems to go. I feel like I was 25 just yesterday. The hardest, most exhausting days of raising my children went incredibly fast. I promise you'll miss it, all of it. I had my oldest son and my youngest son 19 years apart. I had more energy for my oldest, but I've gained perspective and wisdom over the years. I feel it benefits my youngest. I don't sweat the small stuff."

"At my age, I’m so content with where I am and enjoy being single. If I meet Mr. Right, great. But, I don't need a man to feel fulfilled. I don't look to others for happiness. If I choose to get into a relationship at my age, it will be with a keeper. I know what I want in a partner and I refuse to settle for anything less. And if I don’t find him, I'm not losing sleep over it."


5."I am 67 years old and the best thing about getting older is not worrying over what other people think about me. I don't worry if I don't wear makeup to the grocery store and someone I know sees me. I don't worry if someone makes fun of me for not drinking alcohol. I don't worry if someone says I am crazy for not wanting to get married. I don't worry if someone laughs at me for wanting to stay home and read a book with my dog in my lap instead of going to a bar."

Ellen Burstyn hugging another woman and smiling warmly while holding an envelope

6."The worst parts are the aches, pains, and the inability to do the things you used to be able to do physically. But the best part is the patience that comes with experience. Being able to realize what's worth worrying about. I don't waste my time on things that used to eat me up inside."

—Denyse, Canada

7."No one tells you that food can start affecting you differently as you age. I never had an issue with chocolate in my younger years. Once I hit my late 30s/early 40s, I have adverse reactions whenever I eat chocolate. I won't go into details, but I tend to get pretty sick. I'm not allergic, I just don't have a tolerance anymore."

A stack of milk chocolate bars broken into segments, showing textured surfaces and edges
Cultura Rm Exclusive / Getty Images / Image Source

8."Best: Finally being comfortable in my skin and no longer caring what others think about how I look. I dress for comfort, not trends, and I have finally embraced my gray hair after dying it for decades because the first one appeared at 17."

"Worst: waking up and hurting because you slept wrong. I've been dealing with sciatica pain for over a week because I just woke up with a pinched nerve."


9."I'm 42 and the best thing is that aging rocks! Everyone made it seem like your life is over but mine feels like it is just beginning. I am living from my values instead of in reaction to my childhood or what I'm 'supposed' to do. The worst part is that I can feel my body having a tougher time recovering. A fall, cold, or heartache hits differently now."

A person holds a lit birthday cake with numerous candles and colorful decorations in a dimly lit room. A glass of wine is visible in the background

—Anonymous, California

Aideen Mcf Photography / Getty Images

10."The best is doing what you want and not caring if it's popular. The worst is losing the ability to do anything without paying for it the next day, that includes physical things like playing a pickup game, partying too hard, or something as simple as a change in sleep patterns."


11."The bad part: I need surgery on my shoulder due to a tear with no discernible cause. The best part: I can afford the surgery."

Surgeons in scrubs and masks stand under an operating room light, focusing on a patient
Skaman306 / Getty Images

12."It doesn't suck any more than being 20 or 30. There are challenges and benefits with every age. Some things suck more, some suck less. It's all circumstantial."


13."The best part of getting old(er) is when people say negative things about me now, I really and truly don't care. The worst part is the everyday aches and pains that I can't seem to get rid of."

Robert De Niro in a dark blazer and Blythe Danner in a patterned blouse share a close, candid moment during a social event
© Universal Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

14."Not being able to handle hangovers anymore. I woke up on New Year's Day after a day and night of partying. I felt my head and liver couldn't take the feeling of being nauseous anymore. That was when I decided to stop drinking. I've been clean for five months, and may it continue!"


15."Caring less about what others think of you, especially what men think. I exercise and am in good shape, but I do it for my health, not for the male gaze. Caring less about what is fashionable and wearing what is comfortable is awesome. I don't wear makeup or dress for anyone but myself!"

Madea sitting in an armchair, laughing and wearing a floral-patterned blouse with pearls
Chip Bergman / © Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

16."The best part is having stable self-esteem and realizing that my worth is not measured by how much money I make or how successful I am by society's expectations."

"The hardest part is dating. Men my age want younger women. Younger guys are the only ones who are interested in me. It's hard to find someone who doesn't have kids. I don't have them and would prefer a partner who doesn't have them either. For now, I gave up on dating. It's been more trouble than it's worth."


17."Constant stress stinks, but the self-assurance and confidence I've gained is great! Finding who truly cares and matters over the years is very beneficial to a healthier life. The body pain that seems to creep up out of nowhere is tough."

Jennifer Lopez and Michaela Watkins, standing with arms crossed, appear puzzled. Others in the background are looking in the same direction
Peter Lovino / © CBS Films / Courtesy Everett Collection

18."The best is not giving a s--t what others think of you. I'm just over 40 and I still feel like I look great. I take care of my body the best I can and try to stay active. I have felt more confident in my body in this decade than I have in the past. I wear what I feel good in and I don't care if other people don't like it."

"The worst is how your body starts to feel on the inside. I'm tired more easily than I used to be, and my joints take longer to warm up than they used to. Any injuries also take longer to heal. Even minor cuts leave scars! But I'm glad I got into fitness at a young age because that set me up better for aging than some others my age that I know."


19."For me, it's simply not giving a f--k anymore. My 'summer bod' is the body I have in the summer. I wear my swimsuits to the beach or pool and know I'm a dime no matter what others think. I don't let others' opinions get me down because I know I'm living my best life while I have it."

Four women take a group selfie in front of the Trevi Fountain in Rome

—Alayna, Ohio

© Focus Features / Courtesy Everett Collection

What are the best (and worst) parts of growing old? Drop your thoughts in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.