People Who Got Revenge Are Sharing Their Wildest Stories, And I Gasped At Some Of These
There's an old proverb that goes something like, "the best revenge is no revenge." Simply put, moving on with your life and being happy will ultimately be the greatest thing you could do for yourself.
Well, it turns out some people didn't get the memo. In one Reddit thread, people who got payback shared how they might've taken things too far, and I'm speechless.
Here are 20 of the wildest stories:
1."Had a roommate who basically let his new girlfriend move in to our house in college."
2."I was dating this girl, and my friend saw her around town a few times and humiliated her in an effort to embarrass me. I told him to stop bothering her, but he did it again."
"That night I convinced him to try getting back together with his wildly insane and manipulative ex that he hadn't spoken to in years, thinking that he would just humiliate himself by trying.
Well, they banged and got back together for a while. And had a baby. Now they're terrible single parents."
3."A neighbor lady was mean to me, so I went into the laundry room after her and shit on her clothes in the washer. I was 5."
4."My friends and I used to pull a lot of pranks on each other growing up, and about 10 years ago, I was helping my buddy set up a new business."
"He was ordering business cards, and the company he was going through was offering, I think, 500 or so free with a large order, so we decided to prank our other friend. We made business cards with his name, phone number, and home address and had his job title as "Professional Creep" with the slogan "If I'm creepin', you ain't sleepin'." We passed these cards out all over town. He was getting really harassing phone calls for a while and couldn't figure out why. After about two years he found one of the cards on a random fridge at a party and put two and two together. He was pissed and is still getting random calls 10 years later. I feel really bad about that one..."
5."I had a roommate that stole food."
6."When my ex-husband left me for another woman, I rubbed his pillowcases on my bootyhole before he picked up his stuff, and he got a terrible case of pinkeye that lasted for two weeks and required antibiotics. I felt a small twinge of guilt."
7."Back in middle school, a friend of mine threw a small wadded piece of paper at me."
"I retaliated by throwing the only thing I could find, which was mud, close to my shoes. Smacked him right in the face with it. The worst part is, it turned out to be dog shit that was at the bottom of my shoe. I still vividly remember his angry 'wtf man, I throw paper at you, and you throw dog shit?'"
8."I think I have told this before, but I think I was 15 and was in class and sat next to a friend of mine."
"He, for no reason, began to say: 'HAHA, your bald father,' which I followed up with, 'HAHA, your bald mother.' He started crying and ran to the teacher. I honestly forgot his mom had cancer and was getting chemo."
9."Idk what it was, but a lot of the boys in my sixth-grade class thought it was hilarious to try and trip people."
"They’d get your ass no matter how careful you were. Well, I was pretty good at avoiding it, but when I was in gym class, this kid named Joey got my ass hard. I was dribbling down the court, and he nailed me. I face-planted hard.
So I thought about how to get him, and I got him at lunch. He was holding a lunch tray, so his hands weren’t as useful. He nailed a table and lost a tooth. I got suspended for 10 days, and a strict no-tripping policy was implemented, immediate suspensions if caught. Shit sucked, my dad beat my ass raw. Sorry, Joey."
10."This one is not as serious or entertaining as most of the answers you'll find here."
11."Drunk guy came at me on my porch."
"I was in college; it was welcome week. The kid was all kinds of fucked up. Tried to get him to leave, and finally, he came up on my my porch and swung. I ducked him and shoved him away... He was too drunk... couldn't keep his balance, and bounced his face off the curb. Blood, teeth, it was brutal. I was afraid he was really hurt, but he came to pretty quickly. He ended up getting arrested before it was all said and done."
12."When I was in fifth grade, my teacher gave out a shit ton of homework one day, so I got the whole class to help me write a letter to the principal. She found out and cried and shit. I felt really horrible because she was just trying to get us ready for a test coming up...I still feel really bad every time I think about it."
13."My grandpa was a bit old school and gave me prison yard advice for my first week of school."
"He said, if anyone picks on you, just deal with them right then, don't take it. First week of Kindergarten, a Grade 1 kid was pushing me around, not letting me go back to class. I pushed him down against a fence and kicked him in the face three or four times, splitting his nose. I ALMOST got kicked out of school until they found out my grandpa had told me to do it. The thing is, no one messed with me after, and that guy was nice to me all the way through to graduation."
14."A kid on my track team would always come by and take a drink of whatever I had with me."
"I was sick of it and brought a root beer with me which had been spiked with 3x the recommended dose of root beer-flavored exlax. Sure enough, he came by, and I said you know what, Tony, why don't you just take the whole thing? Well, we were having a home meet that day, and he was our best pole vaulter and part of the relay team.
I thought maybe he'd feel a little off and underperform. In the midst of our warm-ups, he went missing and was absent the entire meet."
15."The husband of a friend of mine was teasing me incessantly at a game night. I had finally had enough and snapped at him, 'You must not have had a very good mother.' Turns out he was adopted."
16."When I was in primary school, I was super skinny; I mean a bag of bones. Some of my friends would call me names and sing songs about how skinny and horrible I was. I asked them to stop, as it hurt my feelings. They didn't. So I sang one back about them being fat — they kinda were. They cried."
17."Some friends and I rented a house, including a pool."
18."Had a lady that kept taking my clothes out of the dryer before they were done and throwing them on the floor. So she could get her clothes dried for free. I knew it was a lady because guys don't wear that color of thong."
"Well, it happened for like a month. Then, for about a week straight, I just pissed in the dryer every single fucking time it happened. It stopped happening.
Weird how that works."
19.And finally, "Ok, so I got a prank call. Dude abusing me and constantly ringing me, so I set up a fake account on a dating website with pics of a cute girl and put his number in the profile description."
Do you have any stories you think belong on this list? Let me know in the comments!
Note: Some responses may have been edited for length/clarity.