"The Breastfeeding, In Public, Of A Ten-Year-Old Child" — People From Wealthy Neighborhoods Are Sharing The Wildest Things They've Ever Witnessed Rich Parents Do, And I'm Amazed And Disgusted

In many ways, wealthy parents have it made. They often have beautiful houses, happy children, and a great job. Once the kids get to school age, though, another variable enters families' lives: other parents.

A large house decorated with numerous holiday lights shines brightly at night amidst trees and a light dusting of snow
20th Century Studios

Since rich parents are uniquely situated to report back to us about the goings-on in upper-class communities, I recently decided to ask them about the wildest thing they've seen other parents do. The answers I got back, from parents and kids alike, were unbelievable. So, here are some of the most exciting:

1."I grew up in northern Virginia, which is known for affluent families... I had the oldest, lamest car in the student lot [and] I got called 'white trash' over my car."

A red convertible BMW drives down a city street on a sunny day. There are no discernible individuals in the car
A red convertible BMW drives down a city street on a sunny day. There are no discernible individuals in the car
A red convertible BMW and a large truck drive side by side on a city street. People are not visible due to the focus on the vehicles
A red convertible BMW and a large truck drive side by side on a city street. People are not visible due to the focus on the vehicles

Paramount Pictures


"One of my classmates who came from an especially well-off family got into his third accident, caused by his own recklessness, about two months before graduation. His dad had seen my old, cheap car in the student lot. As a punishment for getting into so many accidents, especially-rich-boy's father went and bought a junker car that was just as old as mine but looked even worse, and spent god knows how much on it to make it run.

"He told his son that he would have to drive this junker to school or take the bus because he wasn't paying for a fourth new car before he even went off to college. He told him that if he could manage not to wreck the junker car before leaving for college, then he'd consider getting him a new one again. This dude's girlfriend was embarrassed to ride in that car, and his friends constantly gave him shit for it. It was sad how shallow my classmates were."


2.At the preschool [I worked at], a well-to-do parent (ex-wife of an MLB player, [with a] big beautiful house with [an] indoor pool and a nanny, etc) SCREAMED at my boss about her daughter missing a $300 jacket."

Reese Witherspoon, with a surprised expression, wearing a pink top and updo hairstyle, in a scene from a movie. Another woman is in the background

"My boss was trying to keep her cool and nearly lost it when the parent said, ‘Unlike you, I don’t have to work and I can afford $300 jackets.'

"The jacket was found a few days later."



3."Quite a few parents I know are real estate agents for themselves and friends to save on the agent fees for the properties they casually invest in."

A charming, vintage white house with ornate trim, a wooden front door, and surrounded by lush tropical plants and palm trees. The house number 508 is visible
Raul Rodriguez / Getty Images

4."I once sold about $500 of Girl Scout Cookies to the heirs of the Publix fortune. At the time it was $4 a box."

Boxes of Girl Scout cookies including Thin Mints, Trefoils, and Samoas are displayed flat on a table


Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

5."For a third birthday party, a food truck. Yes, an all-paid food truck, like [an] open bar. [And] live baby goats from a farm for a first birthday party —pretty wild."



6."I was at a PTA meeting where the moms (it was only moms) were deciding how much to charge for a parking space up front at the school. This space would bear your name and be solely resolved for your use."

"A woman suggested the sum of $1,000; I, a lowly school teacher, balked at this number. She looked me dead in the eyes and said, 'If you can’t afford it, you don’t deserve it.' I promptly removed myself from the PTA."


7."The breastfeeding, in public, of a ten-year-old child. Full-on Robin Arryn from Game of Thrones. I saw this happening on their front deck while walking past their house... yep, just outside the house."

A man with a small beard and mustache wearing medieval-style clothing stands in a dimly lit setting, looking slightly off to the side
A man with a small beard and mustache wearing medieval-style clothing stands in a dimly lit setting, looking slightly off to the side
A person with short hair and a mustache, wearing a high-collared, dark outfit, looks off to the side with a pensive expression
A person with short hair and a mustache, wearing a high-collared, dark outfit, looks off to the side with a pensive expression


"[It was] only a week or two after moving into the neighborhood, and it definitely gave me some apprehensive thoughts about the area."



8."My spouse and I are from pretty modest backgrounds, and now we live in a pretty wealthy area, so we find ourselves doing a lot of double takes on the parenting here. Oh, you bought your 16-year-old a Maybach to celebrate them getting their license?"

Car with damaged front after an accident on a road. Debris is scattered around the vehicle. No visible injuries or persons are present

9."[I know parents who] allow their 14-year-old (and by extension, MY 14-year-old) to have unlimited access to weed because their kid was 'anxious.'"

"I had no clue it was going on until another kid got caught, and it was a years-long struggle to keep [them all] apart because despite being told to not allow our kids at their house (the kids definitely weren’t going to listen — free weed!) she continued to allow everyone to congregate because 'If they’re going to do it, I want them to be safe.' It took all my restraint to not burn their house down (when they were gone, of course).



10."They want their child to sit alone on [the] school bus when the other kids are crammed three to a seat."


11."Not a parent here, but one classmate’s parents paid the school $30,000 to cover the cost of the musical expenses that year (i.e. costumes, sets, the stipend for the director, etc.) and demanded their daughter be cast as the lead. Surprise, surprise, she was cast as the lead that year."

Woman with an open mouth and wide eyes, appearing shocked or surprised
Woman with an open mouth and wide eyes, appearing shocked or surprised
A woman with long hair looks shocked, mouth wide open in surprise
A woman with long hair looks shocked, mouth wide open in surprise

Fox / Via giphy.com


12."My high school was a solid mix between upper class and middle class. My family was rather well off, but I drove a 20-year-old minivan to school, whereas many kids drove Teslas and Jeeps and convertibles that their parents gifted to them."

A blue rusty pickup truck is parked on a concrete surface, surrounded by lush greenery and trees

13."We lived in an affluent neighborhood with great public schools and a community pool. Most neighbors were spending $25k+ per child for private school, and my son usually had the community pool to himself because they were at the country club pool."


14."Once I saw a mother dressed as a clown standing outside for pickup. She was handing out lollipops. Everyone was terrified."

Dan Levy making a funny expression with hands held up near his chest in a scene from Schitt’s Creek. #SchittsCreek visible in top corner


Pop TV / CBC Television

15."My kid's school in Key Largo does yearly school trips to foreign countries like Chile or Panama. They can cost upwards of $4k. Most of the parents don’t even think twice about this cost. The children of the parents who can’t afford it don’t get the experience, and frankly are alienated."


16."There was a family in our neighborhood who held an annual Christmas birthday party for their two children. I can't remember how old the kids were, but I know they were under 10 years old."

A cozy fireplace decorated with stockings, garland, and ornaments; a Christmas tree covered in tinsel and ribbons; various wrapped gifts are under the tree

17."I grew up in an affluent area. Our private three street neighborhood was bordered on one side by a large lake, and the community's middle school was on the other side. A bunch of us kids would walk the two blocks to school together during our middle school years. But not George."

A long black limousine is parked on a city street near a white truck, with tall buildings visible in the background

18."My neighbor sent out invitations for her 2-year-old's birthday. She would only accept gifts [that were] $500 and up because she wants 'only the best' for her kid."


19."An 8-year-old girl at my son’s school has a diamond Cartier bracelet. We know it’s real because after the teacher joked about it being fake, the girl’s mom came into the class and made a big scene about how her daughter would never wear 'a tacky fake.'"

Kim Cattrall adjusting sunglasses, wearing a black bikini top and white cover-up, holding high heels, with the HBO Max logo visible

20."I enrolled my child in an exclusive private school, and I noticed a stark difference immediately. The parents were seriously outspoken with their opinions and behaved however they pleased, and their children were generally more disrespectful compared to those in public school."

Oscar Martinez, a character from
Oscar Martinez, a character from
A man in an office setting covers his mouth in surprise or shock. A
A man in an office setting covers his mouth in surprise or shock. A


"My child quickly picked up on these behaviors and would come home telling me about incidents that confirmed my initial observations.

"I was new to the community and tried to keep a low profile, so the wildest thing was being subpoenaed twice to testify in divorce court. I could have testified about the drinking, drugs, cheating, criminal activities, berating, abuse, [or] child neglect, but they never asked those questions. It came down to he said, she said."


21."[My child goes to] public elementary school, but a high percentage of upper-class families attend. [One day,] a neighbor’s daughter wasn’t paying attention to where she was running and ran into the tetherball pole.

A tetherball attached to a metal pole is against a clear blue sky

22.And finally: "My parents have a neighbor who was over for a BBQ. While discussing college plans for his daughter, he lamented over the 'tragic' housing options for freshman, and then casually mentioned he purchased a townhome for her to live in so she wouldn’t have to worry about roommates or shared laundry and could focus on her studies. She’s attending a school in LA."


Some of these were almost unbelievable. Some parents can be so entitled! If you have your own story about the wildest thing you've seen a wealthy parent do, drop it in the comments below; I'd love to read it. Or, if you want to share anonymously, feel free to check out this Google Form. Who knows — your story may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed story!