Scarlett Johansson admits nude pictures were for Ryan Reynolds

Scarlett Johansson took the images for her (now ex) husband.

Scarlett Johansson has admitted the nude pictures she took were meant for her ex-husband Ryan Reynolds.

A scandal hit the headlines after the pictures were found by a hacker and in an interview in the new edition of Vanity Fair, Johansson has explained they were meant for Reynolds.

She said: “I know my best angles. They were sent to my husband. “There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not like I was shooting a porno.

“Although there’s nothing wrong with that either.”

Ryan Reynolds: the intended recipient of the images.

The actress also opened up about her divorce from Reynolds, which became finalised in July.

She explained: “I didn’t really know what to do with myself. It was such a strange time. There was nothing that was interesting to me. I had a very public separation. It was difficult. I felt very uncomfortable.”

In the interview Johansson also discussed her friendship and shared hypochondria with Woody Allen.

She joked the only reason they were still friends was because she had diagnosed his skin problems.