The breast cancer gene: What you need to know

Maxine Morand, CEO of Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) and herself a breast cancer survivor, described praised Angelina for her brave decision to speak out:

"I admire Angelina for talking so honestly about something so personal.

"The risk of breast cancer for all Australian women is around 12-13% but for some women who carry a specific gene mutation that risk increases to around 80%," Maxine explains on the Breast Cancer Network Australia website.

"Women carrying a gene mutation have a very big decision to make regarding preventative surgery. Each woman will need to weigh it up carefully depending on her personal circumstances.

"If women are concerned about their own risk of breast cancer or family history, they should talk to their GP or a Family Cancer Centre."

More information from BCNA on family history & breast cancer

Breast cancer in the family
Family History Fact Sheet

More Information

The Centre for Genetics Education has written a fact sheet on Cancer, Genes and Inherited Preposition - Click here to read.