Bert and Patti: Meet our new grandson
Bert and Patti Newton's daughter Lauren and her former Olympic swim star husband Matt Welsh have welcomed their fourth baby: Monty Matthew Newton Welsh.
Monty Matthew – his middle name in honour of his dad, his late maternal great-grandfather, and his uncle, actor Matthew Newton – made his entrance three weeks early by caesarean at 2.12pm on February 18 at Freemasons Hospital, Melbourne.
Bert and Patti Newton with their grandson, Monty.
Despite already having three children – Sam, eight, Eva, six, and Lola, three – Lauren was thrilled when she found out she was pregnant for the fourth time.
‘The pregnancy was a beautiful surprise, but it was pretty busy having three other kids. We didn’t think it was going to happen a fourth time, so we’re thrilled to get a perfect, beautiful child like Monty,' the 36-year-old revealed.
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Proud grandfather Bert added: 'It’s fun to have another one. I think it’s very clever of Lauren to have two boys and two girls, with the boys as bookends. She’s a great mother.'
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