Moonchild Daily Horoscope – September 17 2019

Call me!

I’ll be doing my weekly internet radio show today – call in and ask me a question about your chart or life and I’ll answer using your horoscope chart and Tarot or oracle cards.

Changing your mind?

The mind planet Mercury has now moved into the sign of Libra. To quote my love award-winning astrologer pal Kelly Surtees “Mercury in Libra wants togetherness. This energy can make you curious about the perspectives of others, and will remind you of the value of compromise.”

Where is Mercury for you?

There’s a trip into your past ahead. For some, it’ll be thanks to an actual trip which takes you back to somewhere you’ve been before, or seeing someone from your past, but for others it will be a mental (head) trip spurred on by running into and/or reconnecting with someone from your past. Look at the memories which are being stirred up now and see how past events are effecting your life today. If you need to get over something from the past, or reconcile yesterday and today, you will find it easier to do just that – as long as you give yourself the mental time out you need. Look at where you have just been and where you are going. Home and family will occupy your mind more than usual now too. If you’ve drifted further away from your family than you’ve meant to, now is the ideal time to get back in touch.

Last chance to grab my course with 67% off

If you’re one of the hundreds of very clever and kind people who pre-ordered by Moon Manifesting Made Easy course with 67% off – thank you! Creating it has been a mammoth adventure! It really will be available any moment now! For anyone else, this week brings pretty much your last chance to buy it for $25 before the price at least triples!