Moonchild Daily Horoscope – May 20 2020

The Sun is changing signs today, moving into Gemini ahead of the New Moon. The Sun acts as a spotlight as it goes around the chart – so where is the shining light of the Sun illuminating your chart now? Here’s here…

Where the spotlight is for you now

As the Sun slips into your 12th house today, you get to slip into the Twilight Zone. Well, sort of. The Sun goes through this part of your chart once a year. As it does so, you can expect to feel a little more like staying at home and contemplating either your navel, or your life, or both. And that is just fine. Take it easy on yourself today and over the next four weeks. It’s an excellent time to get some rest, explore the esoteric and listen to your dreams. Also see if there are events from your past which have created patterns which are now dictating how you react to events in the present… is it time to break with the past?

Are you Leo Rising?

If so, this really could be your lucky month! The New Moon in a couple of days will take place in your 11th House, aka the House Of The Thing You’re Wishing For. In other words, very soon it will be THE most powerful time of the year for you to make New Moon wishes which come true. But only if you’re Leo Rising – click here for more info!