Michael Strahan’s Daughter Isabella Shares New Milestone in Cancer Treatment for Malignant Tumor

Michael Strahan

Michael Strahan's 19-year-old daughter Isabella, who is currently undergoing treatment for medulloblastoma, a malignant tumor in her brain, revealed in her newest update that she completed her second round of chemotherapy.

The college student, who has a twin sister named Sophia, shared the news with fans in her newest vlog posted on YouTube on March 26 as she brought them along to the hospital.

Isabella also told the story of football player Greg Brooks Jr. from Louisiana State University who has the same form of cancer as her. The two recently connected thanks to his grandmother, with Isabella saying, "We keep in touch every day and he’s really inspiring. He’s the one I keep very close touch with and I can't wait to meet him in person one day." Isabella, Sophia, her father and the rest of her family were all wearing sweatshirts supporting Brooks in the clip.

"I just finished my second cycle of chemo, he finished his second cycle," she said, noting how close their treatment schedules are. They were originally around two days apart in their schedule before, but Isabella explained, "My head pushed me back a week."

She referenced the emergency surgery she underwent at the start of March when she had a tough fever and pain that led doctors to drain fluid from the back of her head. Based on her latest video, Isabella seems to be doing much better and is back on track with planned treatment.

Isabella was first diagnosed with cancer in October 2023, although she didn't publicly share the news until January. She said that she was feeling off and thought she had vertigo, but when she went to see a doctor, they quickly discovered her brain tumor.

While she is still in the hospital often for treatment, it seems like Isabella also got a well-deserved break recently between rounds of chemo, with the teenager sharing a photo from a Bahamas vacation with her sister and some friends in the new vlog.

Next: Isabella Strahan Bonds With Dad Michael Strahan and Twin Sister Sophia Ahead of Next Chemo Round