Mercury Retrograde Isn’t Cute—Here’s Your Zodiac’s Remedy

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius begins on November 26 and lasts until December 15, 2024. When we hear the planet of communication is about to trek backward, many of us panic. What will happen? What comes next? However, with these magical remedies, you can find grounded luck throughout this cosmic turbulent time.

Remedies are simple spiritual tools or rituals we can perform to help mitigate the challenging aspects of turbulent transits or astrological times. Read on to discover your cosmic quick fixes!

Mercury Retrograde Advice and Remedies

Read on for preventive and healing Mercury retrograde insight for your zodiac sign. If you want to dive deep beyond sun sign astrology, read for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.


With Mercury retrograde impacting your mental health, carry a lapis lazuli crystal close. This stone promotes self-expression, open communication, and emotional healing properties.


Beyond crystal magic, consider practicing the affirmations, "I am free to break free from the hive mindset," and "My opinion is valid" daily. The power of words alone will make or break your Mercury retrograde experience, so speak what you want into existence.


During Mercury retrograde, Taurus' transformation sector is activated. Therefore, they should grab an obsidian crystal to absorb the heavy energies they must sift and sort through. This stone absorbs and transmutes negative energy into positivity.

Taurus can practice the daily affirmations, "It is safe for me to trust my intuition" and "I choose love over fear." Focusing on the positives will be essential, as their intense tunnel vision will keep them uplifted or defeated.


Grab a rose quartz crystal for Mercury retrograde season, Gemini. As the planet of communication creates misunderstandings in your relationship sector, you'll want to be prepared with crystal magic. This stone carries loving vibrations, ensuring self-love and attracting harmony in their connections.


During this interpersonal transit, this Air sign can also wear jasmine—or rose-scented oils or perfumes to gain the blessings and support of the planet of love, Venus.


During Mercury retrograde, Cancer's responsibility sector will be hit. Maintaining mental clarity will be necessary. A clear quartz will be essential. This crystal clears one's mind, allowing higher vibrations to reach one's energetic field.

Charity will also be an excellent remedy for Cancer, as their sector of service is activated. Donate items you no longer need, help a friend or family member, and find simple ways to spread joy daily.

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Leo experiences shifts in their romantic life this Mercury retrograde. Therefore, the crystal citrine can do wonders. This stone has passionate properties, bringing assertive communication, confidence, and joy into partnerships.


Another excellent remedy is to buy flowers for yourself and your loved ones. Flowers, especially roses, are high-frequency, smoothing over challenges regarding connectivity or self-worth. By decorating your space with these gifts of nature, you can help promote peace and harmony throughout the Mercury retrograde transit.


Virgos will experience Mercury retrograde impacts in their homes or personal lives. To mediate tensions, keeping moonstone close, a crystal known for its domestic, emotional healing, and cozy properties, should do the trick.

This star sign should also burn a white candle in the evenings, calling for harmony within their family and close relationships. Keeping their house tidy and organized will prevent disputes and energetically keep their space high-vibe.


Libra's communication sphere is impacted, making this a typical Mercury retrograde experience for them. Grabbing fluorite is vital. This crystal is known for its Mercurial properties such as memorization, articulation, learning, and wisely getting one's point across.


Regarding ritual remedies, Libra can opt for grounding with the earth. If you have a spot outdoors where you can stand barefoot and be at one with nature, all the better. However, you can also meditate, take deep breaths, and visualize roots growing from your feet down into the ground below the foundation of a building.

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A pyrite crystal will prove uplifting as Mercury retrograde triggers Scorpio's resource sector. This stone attracts abundance and prosperous thinking. However, it also makes us more prone to spend, so avoid bringing it with you when shopping!

Saving money will be a healing remedy for Scorpio, even if it's saving pennies in a piggy bank. Placing money and resources into a safe space for later use will show the universe they are ready for more expansive possessions and practical tools.


With Mercury retrograde in their sign, Sagittarius will be closely impacted by this transit. This star sign should carry amethyst for remediation. This crystal brings spiritual breakthroughs, intuitive insights, and prophetic insights or dreams.

Putting magic into practice, Sagittarius should state daily affirmations centered around self-love and a liberated path. "I am free to be exactly who I am," or "I believe in the good things coming" will give the green light to the universe that this Fire sign is ready to overcome blockages and believe in themselves.


As Capricorn navigates their active subconscious during Mercury retro, they'll want smokey quartz to guide their inner journey. This crystal clears out heavy energies and amplifies a positive aura simultaneously. This star sign will want this healing stone nearby to help restore memories and repressed emotions.

Shadowwork will be essential to make this retrograde run smoother. Spiritual breakthroughs can be found through mirror gazing, looking into your eyes as you free-flow thoughts and emotions in solitude. Mirrors are a portal, allowing you to get in tune with your innermost self when used intentionally or spiritually.

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As Mercury retrograde impacts Aquarius' social sector or ideas for the future, this star sign should opt for red jasper. This crystal promotes motivation, tapping into one's instincts and clearing self-doubt. Being true to their authentic self will allow them to get back on track amidst obstacles or delays.

Scripting is a perfect way to channel Mercury retro energy for this Air sign. They must first clarify exactly what they want rather than taking proactive action toward their goals. Writing their ideal day in a picture-perfect world in the present tense allows them to shift their mindset and allow the universe to manifest what they desire.


Pisces experiences shifts in their career life during this Mercury retrograde. It may feel unclear where their purpose has gone. A jade crystal will allow them to attune to their innermost heart's desires again.

A practical ritual to promote remediation in this cosmic confusing time for Pisces involves getting out of their comfort zone. To overcome imposter syndrome, they should expose themselves to people or circumstances that generally make them retract back into themselves out of fear. By introducing themselves to these daunting things they secretly long for, the universe allows them to attract more of what they need to thrive.

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