The Best Sex Tips Ever!

Slow down, young man. Drive your lover wild with these simple steps. You'll be the marathon man of the bedroom.

Work the Angles. Use Liberator Shapes velvet cushions ( to create an 'orgasm optimum' 26 degrees pelvic tilt.

According to Daniel Stein, from the Foundation for Intimacy in Tampa, Florida in the US, the wedge-style cushions maximise contact between the penis and the most sensitive parts of her anatomy. And that means minimum demands for foreplay.

Don't go too far. You may think it's all about depth, but US sex gurus Masters and Johnson stress that the outer third of the vagina is the most sensitive.


Try holding your penis and dipping it in and out of the entrance of her vagina. This is a great way to delay ejaculation if you want to and playing in the shallows will ensure a satisfied customer who'll always come back for more.

Blow Bubbles. Take a swig of champagne before you go down, keep it in your mouth by creating a seal with your lips, then use the tongue to swirl the bubbles around her clitoris.

Now it's her turn to do the same on the head of your penis. Nerve endings react to the bubbles, heightening sensation.

Read her bedtime stories. Pick her favourite bits from this article and ask her what she thinks. It's a subtle but effective way to kick-start frank discussions about your fantasies.

Step up your staying power between the sheets. If you want to try all the postions in this article, but are about to blow, try the valsalva manoeuvre.


This sneaky delaying tactic involves bearing down as though you're trying to have a bowel movement.

"Increasing your intra-abdominal pressure relaxes the muscles that contract during ejaculation," says urologist Dr Dudley Danoff. But don't bear down too hard or you might 'pass' more than just muster!

For long term effects on the timing of your orgasm, try the stop-start method.

Each time you masturbate, stop just before ejaculation. Wait until you regain your composure, then repeat the process several times. This will help you control it, so eventually you'll be a marathon man.

Go Deeper and longer. If your partner's going down, stand while she kneels or sits on the bed.

This angle lets her take more of you, gives her better control and is less tiring (all that head-bobbing can take its toll) - and that means she can keep going for longer.


If, however, it's your tongue's tour of duty, try this: have the lucky lady lie with her legs bent and relaxed to form a 'diamond' shape, kneel down on her right side and go down on her with the top of your head facing her feet.

Then slip your right hand under her bum to stimulate her perimeum (the sensitive area between her vagina and anus) with your thumb.

Believe us, it won't be long before it's your turn to be on the receiving end again.

Get suggestive. Suggesting, rather than directly asking, is a cunning but effective trick to get what you want in bed.

Try lighting a candle and offering to give her a back rub with some massage oil. Those sighs will soon turn in to moans.

You can never use too much lubricant if you're going anal. Whether it's a finger, dildo or your penis, slap on the juice before you try to insert anything.


Not only does it make penetration much, much easier and comfortable, it also feels a lot sexier.

And if you're squeamish, but would like to do some preliminary exploration, cover your finger with Gladwrap beforehand.

The slide. Get her to kneel on the end of the bed with her upper chest touching the mattress, while you stand behind her.

This creates a steep angle for her back and elongates the vaginal barrel.

It makes her feel tighter, you get a fantastic view and she'll enjoy having her nipples gently stimulated by rubbing on the mattress. Everyone's a winner.

Try the wardrobe. Novelty is an intense aphrodisiac and any unusual setting, with strange sensations, smells and muffled sounds, will make sex feel new, upping the excitement.

Confined spaces also add urgency: "Wardrobes aren't the kinds of places you want to linger," advises sex therapist Louanne Cole Weston. "So they're great for a quickie."