High Cholesterol- Genes?

Medicine Man – Dr Steve Trumble

It sounds to me as though you might be a victim of your genes, PS. If your doctor is talking medications when you’re only 27, it’s probably because you have a genetic tendency towards high cholesterol.

Today’s medications are so effective and so well tolerated that they do present a valid option for young people with familial hyperlipidaemia; but nobody wants to take a tablet a day for the rest of their life if they can avoid it. Just make sure you’ve done everything humanly possible to eliminate animal fats from your diet (especially full-cream dairy foods and fatty cuts of meat) and keep yourself active.

If you’re not sure where in food cholesterol is lurking, pick up a reputable cookbook or ask someone to recommend a dietician.

Answers given are general in nature and do not constitute actual medical advice. For more information, see your GP.

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