Avoiding the antidepressant meds

Medicine Man – Dr Steve Trumble

Absolutely. Being sad is part of being human. The problem is when the sadness becomes despair and there’s no happiness to balance it out. That can lead to clinical /mens-health/health/advice/article/-/10459250/depression-hits-hate-centre/depression.

But even if you’re depressed, seeing a doctor doesn’t automatically mean being put on drugs. Any good doctor is going to do a lot of other things before reaching for the prescription pad, including taking a careful history and examining you for any physical reasons behind your feelings.

Even if depression is diagnosed, "talking cures" such as cognitive behavioural therapy can be just as good, if not better, than antidepressant medication. No doctor can force you to take tablets and they shouldn’t prescribe them if you don’t need them.

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