NEW STUDY: Male Porn Watchers Reveal Their Favourite Positions for Women

Watch porn lately? Your favourite position for a woman might be CEO.

Men who view X-rated flicks tend to be more open toward women in positions of power and working outside the home than those who avoid the skin flicks, new research in the Journal of Sex Research suggests.

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Researchers poured through survey results from more than 10,000 men and found that those who admitted to watching porn were generally more accepting of females in nontraditional roles.

Now, the study didn’t prove cause and effect. Watching porn doesn’t necessarily make you more progressive, says study author Dr Taylor Kahut.
Instead, it probably has something to do with what kind of attitude you have in the first place.

For example, men with more conservative political or religious beliefs tend to hold more traditional views toward women - and more negative thoughts on porn, so they don’t watch it as much, Kohut says.

And the study didn’t measure how often guys looked at porn. Men who reported watching at least one “X-rated film” within the last year were considered viewers - but so were those who entered private browsing mode several times a day.

More research is needed to clarify the correlation, Kohut says. But despite the study’s limitations, he’s encouraged by the findings. “This is contrary to the view that some people have about porn users: that they feel that women should have relegated roles in our society,” he says.

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