Madonna Makes Powerful Speech Following Paris Attacks

With the world still reeling from the weekend's tragic events, the Parisian way of life seems heavily compromised.

Musicians have cancelled their concerts throughout France in droves, but there's one entertainer who refuses to be silenced: Madonna.

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The singer went ahead with her concert in Sweden on Sunday, but didn't let it pass without acknowledging the tragedy.

"It's been very hard for me to get through this show and not forget what happened last night," she tearfully told the crowd. "So I need to take this moment to acknowledge the tragedy. The tragic killings, assassinations, and the senseless ending of precious life that occurred last night in Paris."

Madonna said she'd felt "torn" about going ahead with her concert, when so many people across the world were suffering.

"Like, why am I up here dancing and having fun when people are crying over the loss of their loved ones?" she asked the crowd.


Madonna on stage. Photo: Getty Images.

But ultimately, she said, there was never a more poignant time to celebrate life.

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"This whole show is about celebrating life," said Madonna. "The way we change the world is not to elect another President, not to kill a hundred more people, the way we change the world is that we change the way we treat one another on a daily basis in the simplest ways. We must start treating every human being with dignity and respect. This is the only thing that will change the world."

Never have more truer words been spoken.