First Glimpse Of Lena Dunham In Scandal

First Glimpse Of Lena Dunham In Scandal
First Glimpse Of Lena Dunham In Scandal

Lena Dunham in Scandal. Photo: Variety

Scandal fans will have a lot to be excited about this month. Fan favourite (though – spoiler alert – sadly killed off) James, Cyrus' husband (played by Dan Bucatinsky), is set to reappear in a flashback episode. And of course, Lena Dunham’s greatly anticipated guest appearance will finally air.

The first images of Dunham in character have been released. Sporting a bluntly cut wig and a sharp, all-business, all-woman ensemble, Dunham has certainly left Hannah back in New York.

The Girls creator and star, as well as self-confessed Scandal addict, has remained quiet on the specifics of her role. Variety reports the episode will centre on Olivia Pope, played by Kerry Washington, as she deals with a woman threatening to release sex secrets of Washington D.C. staff. Our bets are on Dunham as the saucy whistleblower.

First Glimpse Of Lena Dunham In Scandal
First Glimpse Of Lena Dunham In Scandal

Lena Dunham and Kerry Washington in Scandal. Photo: Variety

Dunham and Washington may also have another collaborative creation in the works. At a Girls panel event over the weekend, Dunham admitted to stalking the Scandal actress and confessed to holding high hopes that Washington would appear on Girls.

“We would love it and we’ve talked about it,” Dunham told a US magazine. “We’re going to try.”

Olivia Pope on Girls? Now that’s a guest starring role we could really get behind.


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