Sex And The City Creator Says The Ending 'Betrayed' The Show

The final episode of Sex and the City certainly attracted mixed reviews. Yes, Carrie ended up with Mr. Big after seasons of torture, but their relationship left some people (including us) scratching our heads.

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Did Carrie “forget” that he’d cheated on his wife to be with her? Or that he decided to move cross-country without telling her? Or that his commitment-phobia had plagued their entire relationship?

It seems we’re not the only ones rolling our eyes at the ending of what was once a much-loved show, with creator Darren Star admitting he would have finished things differently had he been the writer of the final season.

“I didn’t break those last episodes,” Star told Deadline. “If you’re empowering other people to write and produce your a certain point, you’ve got to let them follow their vision.

“I think the show ultimately betrayed what it was about, which was that women don’t ultimately find happiness from marriage. Not that they can’t. But the show initially was going off script from the romantic comedies that had come before it. That’s what had made women so attached. At the end, it became a conventional romantic comedy.”

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However, some argue that the real ending of Sex and the City hasn’t yet happened, with rumours that a third movie is in the works.

"I'd absolutely do another 'SATC' movie - if Michael Patrick King wanted to write it and Sarah Jessica Parker wanted to do it," admitted Cynthia Nixon, who played Miranda on the show. "I'm very proud of it."

Stay tuned!