Your Horoscopes for 2016: Leo

Your Horoscopes for 2016: Leo. Illustration by Ann Do

You are one of the true stars of the zodiac and you probably know it. The rest of us mere mortals revolve around you the way the planets revolve around your ruler, the Sun.


The good, the bad and the Leo: Not wanting to criticise you, oh flawless Leo, but you have been known to be a tad too proud of yourself at times.

Try this, for the good of your soul: Next time you're doing a presentation for work, take a back seat and encourage a more timid colleague to take centre-stage.

How to spot a Leo in a crowd: They're the ones surrounded by the most admirers, and they're lapping up the attention.

How to woo a Leo: Treat him or her like a king or queen. That is all.

In matters of the heart and the bedroom: Leos don't so much fall in love and acquiesce to the idea of you being allowed to fete and adore them. (Only half-joking…)


Eclipse energy in your chart means 2016 is potentially going to be big. There are changes afoot in your most important personal and/or professional liaisons. This is nothing to worry about - unless you have been clinging on to someone for too long, even though you know you have long ago outgrown the relationship.

Your affirmation for the year: I believe in me!

Your motto/motivational quote for the year: "Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun." - Randy Pausch (US educator)

The best time of the year to change your life: Around the Full Moon on August 18. Use that period to work out who and what you no longer want in your life. If you don't find it too odd, ask the Archangel Michael (who has a mighty sword) to cut your cords to that person or place or situation. You will be amazed at what a liberating experience this can be. Use August to move on. Life is restating from then in many ways.

When it comes to love in 2016: This is the year to throw your emotional baggage overboard. Don't hang on to the past, whether it was good or bad. Just. Move. On. That doesn't mean you have to leave your partner, it means let bygones be bygones. With everyone.

Best time of the year for love, romance and relationships: It has to be August. Even if things are tumultuous then, it's all happening for you highest good.

Best time to make money: You have the lucky planet of plenty, Jupiter, in your Money Zone from January to September. Know your own worth and your bank account will reap the benefits.

Best time to find new work: May is ideal to review your career trajectory. Are you happy with the way you're headed? If not, this is the time to have another think about it.

You also need to know that: Fun-buster Saturn in your Fun Zone all year could make you feel guilty any time you bunk off and have a good time. Don't fall for it. Saturn has issues. You don't need to have them too. You are allowed to have fun in 2016, as you always are.

Best tips for staying well: Detoxing is the best thing you can do for yourself this year. See a GP or naturopath if you plan to do a really full on regime.

Power dates: January 6, February 17, July 7, August 18 and October 7.

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