Your Horoscopes for 2016: Cancer

Your Horoscopes for 2016: Cancer. Illustration by Ann Do

Did someone say 'homebody'? Sure you love evenings at home with the family. But you're also one of the most dynamic signs of all!


The good, the bad and the Cancerian: And did someone say 'moody'. Yes you are. You're ruled by the Moon which changes its mood very regularly, and frankly, so do you.

Try this, for the good of your soul: Giving your loved ones the freedom to make their own decisions.

How to spot a Cancerian in a crowd: They're making sure everyone is ok, while also looking for any opportunities they can maximise.

How to woo a Cancerian: Tell them how much you adore them and then tell them again, every hour on the hour, preferably.

In matters of the heart and the bedroom: Cancerians are all about their breasts and nipples. Male and female Cancerians alike. Use this information wisely.


There are some amazing Plutonian energies in your chart this year which can revolutionise your love life and your career. You also have the gift of thinking positively in 2016 and that can be life-changing in a very good way. Overall you are moving into much happier times.

Your affirmation for the year: Life is on the up and up!

Your motto/motivational quote for the year: "It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." - Edmund Hillary (Explorer)

Your best times of the year for you to change your life: Mid-March and then the end of June. You can transform your relationships in your personal life and professionally, too. Think about what you want for yourself and how you want your life to look different by the end of the year. Visualise it, regularly.

When it comes to love in 2016: Your partner or ex, can breathe a sigh of relief. You'll be way easier to deal with this year than you have been for the past few years. If you're single and looking for love, it'll be much easier to find someone.

Best time of the year for love, romance and relationships: March 17 and June 26 and a few days either side of those dates stand out. It could be that you have a super romantic time with someone or it might be less tangible than that. For example, if you're attached, it could be you see your partner in a new light and fall in love all over again. Or if you're single, a realisation about your romantic past or about yourself could change your romantic future.

Best time to make money: February, mid-July and August all have very positive money-making vibes.

Best time to find new work: With chaotic Uranus in your Career Zone all year, just about any time is a good time to find new work. Remember that you will currently do extra well if you work for yourself or online at the moment.

You also need to know that: Make yourself a promise at the start of November to stay calm. Meditate. Do Zen yoga or whatever it takes so that you have a measured response to whatever is going on. Keep the end of the year as a season of goodwill!

'''Best tips for staying well: All this year, you're in a cycle where you need to do regular exercise. Plan it, schedule it and just do it.

Power dates: March 17, April 18, June 26, September 27, December 27.

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