MAFS’ Olivia reveals the truth about her and Jackson’s current relationship

To celebrate ten seasons of Australia's biggest reality TV show, Married At First Sight, Yahoo brought together some of the series' most memorable and iconic brides and grooms to talk about their time on the show, compare experiences and answer questions fans have always wanted to know.

Video transcript

- You and Jackson appeared to be friendly exes, but this seems to have changed in recent weeks.

- Oh.

- What really happened between you two?

- Ooh.

- Nothing's, like, really happened. So to be fully transparent with it, we very much tried to maintain a friendship and be really good mates, and I think we still are. It's just--

- There are different stages?

- It-- to be honest, he, like, hurts my feelings a lot. So I think he thinks that I'll get back together with him at the drop of a hat. And so when we have conversations, a lot of the time, he's trying not to lead me on because he thinks that I'm-- he thinks that he's gonna lead me on if he's nice to me.

So he's quite cold and it's really hard to go from being in a very loving relationship to trying to be friendly exes. And he's quite icy with me and he's not an icy person, like-- we know he's very big and warm and lovely and for him to put that wall up and be quite conservative with me is a really big change, and I don't like it. And I'm capable of being warm and lovely with absolutely anybody, like, all my exes, and I-- all still really good friends, and I still speak to them really kindly. So to not get that back from someone that I do cherish is too hard to continue to put myself out there and be in the relationship, like, in the friendship right now. So--

- That's terrible.

- --we Are still-- like, I still have nothing but love and respect for him, but it's just-- yeah, there just needs to be a bit of space at the moment.

- Mm.