Loot Season 2 Premiere Recap: Did Molly Reignite Her Romance With Her Sleazy Ex-Husband?

When we last saw billionaire Molly Wells, she publicly announced her plan to give away all of her Loot before unfortunately hopping back in bed with her obnoxious ex John. If you were hoping she’d ditch that sleazeball before Season 2 began, consider your wish granted!

John does call Molly in the premiere episode, but she tells him that what happened in Corsica was a mistake. He thinks they’re meant for each other, but she’s absolutely repulsed by the man and his money (and the entire garden of flowers he sends to her office). Despite their frosty chat, it’s doubtful that we’ve seen the last of this creep. (Though kudos to Adam Scott for playing such an unlikeable character so well. Talk about the polar opposite of Parks and Rec’s Ben Wyatt!)

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When we catch up with Howard, Nicholas and Arthur, we learn that Arthur never got the chance to tell Molly his feelings before she hooked up with John that night on the French island. To deal with the disappointment, Arthur is buying ugly bracelets and trying things he’s never had before. Like cranberry scones. It does not go well. (“It’s wet and dry!”)

When the mayor cancels a big project on them, the group has a meeting to brainstorm new ideas for how to donate all of Molly’s money. Ultimately, they come up short. Even a meet-up with a young billionaire explodes in their face, when Molly invites the supposed math genius to her house. Mid-meeting, the FBI busts in to nab the kid for wire fraud, wire fraud conspiracy, security fraud and money laundering. Noah admits that he’s guilty as hell… and that the high-level math he scribbled on the whiteboard was all nonsense. (Poor Arthur. He panics and confesses that he had a CBD gummy the night before. “I’m trying to be more interesting!”)

Loot Season 2
Loot Season 2

Molly’s embarrassed that she almost forked over $120 billion to a felon, but who’s there to comfort her? OUR BOY ARTHUR, that’s who! He tells her to buck up. They all almost fell for the scam. She tells him she always feels better after talking to him. He says it’s the power of his dorky bracelet. It has an owl on it for wisdom. That Arthur. Killin’ it with the comedy. And always adorable.

After learning that a broke Howard has been living in her guest house for weeks, Molly has an idea. To battle the lack of affordable housing in Los Angeles, she wants to buy empty hotels downtown and open them up to unhoused people. Sofia’s excited! They can put career centers, health clinics and child care centers in them, too. They call it: Space for Everyone! Not a shabby idea. It’s way better than Molly’s “Broth-el” concept: “A Starbucks, but for broths.”


The next morning, Molly has a pep in her step, but when she arrives to the office, everyone’s staring at the TV. John’s all over the news overshadowing her with his new mission… to actual space. Molly yells out a loud expletive as the credits begin to roll.

So what did you think about Loot’s first episode back? Grade it below, then sound off in the comments.

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