69 Funny Photos That Have Absolutely Nothing To Do With Politics In Case You, Too, Are Stuck In An Endless Doom-Scroll
1.This might be the best possible way to deal with graffiti.
2.Mark was doing his best in a tough world, and you know what? We can't fault him for that.
3.Now THIS is what vanity plates should be used for.
4.This is giving Ron Swanson in the best way.
5."Had to"? Or "had the privilege to"?
6.This might be the funniest restaurant review I've ever seen. This person really knows how to paint a picture.
7.This business found a way to laugh through their tears, and it's inspiration that we can, too.
8.This person also made the best of a bad situation.
9.And you thought the way the new iOS update changed the Photos app was bad...imagine it glitching and scheduling daily vasectomies for you.
10.I'm sure glad they protected that cat's identity.
11.If Bad Luck Bryan were still a meme, it would perfectly encapsulate this.
12.I think my sense of humor is broken...because I just spit out my coffee at this.
13.And I am just dead enough inside to find this hilarious.
14.I'm disappointed in my friends for not getting me this for my 25th birthday.
15.This coworker is definitely a keeper.
16.Listen, I'm a simple woman. I see the funny WiFi name, and I laugh.
17.I'm starting to regret not renaming our SpectrumSetup WiFi.
18.I feel this person's pain so strongly.
19.Now, that's a refreshingly honest dedication.
20.PSA for anyone else having bird issues: all you need is Nicolas Cage.
21.Babe? Don't forget to pick up my "hey fuck this hey Siri cancel" at the store, okay?
22.I actually might steal this.
23.They finally figured it out — the perfect way to know when you've had too much.
24.I'm glad we finally have the numbers to determine exactly what level of "chonk" our cat is.
25.This is absolutely terrifying — and yet also hilarious.
26.I can't unsee this description now.
27.Good thing they clarified.
28.Well, that's one way to handle a cockroach...
29.I feel a little bad for laughing at this.
30.I'm so glad they warned us. I would've thrown this baby in the microwave as soon as I got home.
31.I KNEW it!
32.This is the only case where a "live, laugh, love" sign is acceptable in the home.
33.This small business felt little camaraderie with corporate giants, and I can't say I blame them.
34.Off-brand names are getting more and more creative.
35.Printing out the definition for "doorbell" is the sassy solution I need for the UPS peeps who are always claiming they tried to deliver and I wasn't home.
36.On the other side of the spectrum, we have this Amazon driver, who nailed it.
37.I'm not even Christian, but I gotta hand this one to them: it's a good joke.
38.This is...an unfortunate coincidence.
39.I'm glad they let us know!
40.Be honest...how long did you stare at this photo?
42.I gotta admit, this is clever.
43.In a sea of reasons not to move to Florida, this may be a rare reason to consider it.
44.This sign makes me feel weirdly appreciated. Thanks for noticing me noticing you, notice!
45.Looks like this person's roommates know them well.
46.Though I like this sign even more.
47.On the contrary, I think this person is GREAT at goodbyes.
48.Looks like fate is aligning for this man.
49.Wait a minute...this woman might be onto something...
50.Damn, I didn't know they had cameras back then! Or people, for that matter.
51.I low-key need these to hand out.
52.Though in a pinch, you could always leave this handwritten helpful note.
53.I need to be friends with whoever was in charge of naming this color (which was literally the color of my brother's room growing up).
54.This falls into the rare category of "so creepy it's actually funny."
55.Pulling this out anytime someone pulls out a guitar at a party would be such a power move.
56.The real question is why this person even has this coin.
57.Honestly, this is a very clever card.
58.What a deal!
59.This is one of the most bizarre flyers I've ever seen, but I can't deny it made me laugh.
60.Men, this is the least you can do.
62.This is the best possible way to display romance books.
63.Honestly, maybe this is how they should do things.
64.Avoid any and all yellow balloons!!!
65.This is so cringe that I genuinely had to laugh or face dying inside.
66.And THIS is why I will never go to Australia.
67.Is your friend in the market for more friends?
68.This is such a dumb gag, and yet I love it.
69.And finally, as you venture back into all the terrible news in the world...have one last laugh (or cry) on us.