106-Year-Old Woman Dancing With The Obamas is Too Adorable

When this woman walked into the White House to meet the Obamas, she could hardly contain her joy.

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At 106-years old, Virginia McLaurin says she had waited “her whole life to see a black President”.

When she’s finally face-to-face with President Obama, she tells him, “It’s an honour, it’s an honour,” before embracing him in a quick, excited hug.

She’s almost more excited to meet Michelle, before telling them both, “I thought I would never live to get in the White House. I tell you, I am so happy,” before grabbing both their hands for a little dance.

“You have made our day,” says Michelle, laughing.

McLaurin first began her campaign to meet the Obamas in 2014 by uploading a YouTube video telling them of her admiration for them both (seriously, is there anything this woman can’t do?!).

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"I didn't think I'd ever live to see a coloured president,” she says. “I am so happy. I pray for you every day of my life."