Libra Daily Horoscope – March 16 2020

With Mercury retrograde over…

With Mercury retrograde over and Mercury changing signs as it moves forwards again, it’s time to tap into the power in the air, as craziness swirls around the world. Taking a spiritual attitude to what’s happening now is the best option. Try to see the positive. Are you pulling together with your neighbours, looking after elderly people who need it, spending more quality time with your family – as they say movie nights at home aren’t cancelled, finally reading or even writing that book you’ve had on your mind for a long time isn’t cancelled, meditating isn’t cancelled. As Mercury moves into the spiritual sign of Pisces, live consciously. This is the second time this has happened in the past few weeks so it might sound familiar as it happens again!

Here’s what Mercury into Pisces means for you.

There are times for going out dancing all night, putting lampshades on one’s head and generally doing what old timers called “tying one on”. And there are times to get your house (and life) in order. Guess which cycle you’re in now? Put it this way – let’s hope you’ve had a fun last month or so because Mercury’s move now into your 6th House of Daily Work and Health means you can expect to party less and work more over the next few weeks. The good news is that if you’ve been letting things slide a little – perhaps you’ve been having too much fun, perhaps a romance or a child has been taking up too much of your time – if you’ve been letting things slide, you can now expect to find the time and headspace you need to get back to attending to the tiny details of life. Clear your desk! This is also a great time to be making a 6 or even 12 month plan, if that’s your thing. Certainly your ability to schedule is high, so don’t waste it, if you know you need to live a life that’s slightly less chaotic. Break it down – what do you need to do, what do you want to do, and when can you feasibly do it?

The Gemini Rising webinar isn’t cancelled either!

There has rarely been a better time for online learning, right? If you’re Gemini Rising, then this month, you’re in line for something special – a one-hour webinar that will teach you how to make your dreams come true AND help you understand the energies coming at you in the coming 12 months. Click here for info