Libra Daily Horoscope – 15 March 2025

Mercury will be going backwards in your 7th House. This is the part of your chart that is connected to your most important one to one relationships, past, present or potential. However a word of warning, it’s also the part of your chart related to your open enemies. When Mercury goes backwards here you can expect to be doing some rethinking and reconsidering re your love life – and there could well be confusion in one of these areas. For some, the most obvious manifestation of this cycle will be the reappearance of an ex. Yes it might be a chance to get back together but it can also provide you with another opportunity – the chance to better understand why you split, and then to move on. New couples should take care now not to let minor misunderstandings get in the way of a blossoming romance. All couples should remember that missed connections, confused conversations and lost emails/texts/etc are more likely and act accordingly. The key with Mercury retrograde is always to let the cycle unfold without making any major decisions, if you can. Mercury retrograde usually leads to more information being sent your way so it’s best to way and see what transpires before you act.
PS Love life in crisis? Get my free Venus Love course here.

The post Libra Daily Horoscope – 15 March 2025 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.