Leo Daily Horoscope – March 26 2020

We are still in the New Moon phase

The Moon moves into Taurus today BUT we are still in the New Moon phase. Basically we are still in the New Moon phase until the Moon has moved more than 45 degrees away from the Sun. By the time of the last lunar aspect today GMT time, we are still less than 45 degrees so if you didn’t make your New Moon wishes yet, there is still time!

So what does the Moon in Taurus mean to you?…

As the Moon moves around the chart/through the skies/thought the signs, She triggers different parts of your chart.

Here’s what it means for you…

There could be some emotional tensions or dramas at work today. Or maybe something to celebrate. The Moon is moving through your 10th House of Career. She does this once a month, and when it happens, we get a chance to focus our feelings on our professional lives. If things are just not working for you with a client or a co-worker, today could see people getting even more wound up. However the Moon is also about our needs, which makes today a very good moment to speak gently and kindly about what could change the situation for you.

Last day! Get 50% off Moon Membership

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