Leo Daily Horoscope – March 06 2021

Happy weekend!

How are you feeling? We are edging ever closer to the New Moon. So what does that mean for you? Read on!

There’s just over a week to the New Moon in your 8th House

So how are things going for you when it comes to sex and money? I’m asking because in just over a week from now, there’s going to be a New Moon and it’s going to be taking place in your 8th house. This is the part of your chart that’s connected to sex and money. So, if you want to restart in either of these parts of your life, that’s exactly what you’re going to get. The best thing that you can do now as we move towards the New Moon, is to work out what you actually want when it comes to your sex life annual finances. Start to think about practical steps that you can take towards making these dreams real. The New Moon is part magic and part practicality. Note! It’s the second New Moon in this part of your chart in a row. Are you getting the message?

Did you know…?

Did you know you can use the Moon to make wishes that truly work? How do I know? I have been using my methods for 20+ years. It’s not a silver bullet though – there is some expertise involved. Want to find out more? Join my (free!) 7-Day Moon Manifesting Challenge which starts TOMORRROW. Click here to register for free!