'I've Studied Psychology for 20 Years—Here's the #1 Way to Hold Boundaries With a Narcissist'

Boundaries are all the rage these days. So is the term "narcissism." The two often don't gel.

"Overall, narcissists' struggles with boundaries are rooted in a complex mix of insecurity, entitlement and a limited ability to empathize, making it difficult for them to honor the personal limits and space of those around them in relationships," says Dr. Sanam Hafeez, Ph.D., an NYC-based neuropsychologist.

As a result, holding boundaries with a narcissist can be a tall task. However, it's one worth tackling. The short-term struggle, which is admittedly a challenging one, is worth the long-term peace.

"Enforcing boundaries enables you to protect yourself from emotional harm, maintain control over your life and foster healthier dynamics in both personal and professional relationships," Dr. Hafeez explains.

It sounds great, but how does someone enforce boundaries with a narcissist whose default is to stomp all over them? Dr. Hafeez shares her number one tip for holding boundaries with a narcissist and what to do if it doesn't work.

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The Best Way to Enforce Boundaries With a Narcissist, According to a Neuropsychologist

"A key strategy for effectively enforcing boundaries with a narcissist is to maintain unwavering clarity and consistency in your communication and actions," Dr. Hafeez says. "It's essential to clearly define your boundaries without ambiguity, leaving no room for misinterpretation or negotiation."

The idea of asserting yourself may make you cringe, especially if you avoid conflict. However, stepping into your power is protective.

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"Clarity and consistency…forms a robust defense against their manipulative behaviors and fosters healthier interactions," Dr. Hafeez says. "Narcissists often thrive on ambiguity and use it to test and exploit boundaries for their benefit. When you clearly define and consistently uphold your boundaries, you assert your autonomy and self-worth."

The result? 

"This approach helps prevent narcissists from manipulating or disregarding your limits, as they are less likely to succeed in pushing past communicated boundaries," Dr. Hafeez explains.

Other perks of enforcing boundaries with a narcissist through clear, consistent communication and actions include:

  • You stay grounded in your needs and prioritize

  • Less risk of being emotionally manipulated or gaslit

  • Setting the tone for respectful, balanced relationships

Now, no one is saying it will be easy or that even the most precise communication will work on the first try, which is why consistency is critical.

“You should anticipate potential resistance, such as guilt-tripping or attempts to undermine your boundaries and remain composed and assertive in response," Dr. Hafeez says.

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How to Clearly, Consistently Communicate Boundaries With a Narcissist

1. Understand and articulate your needs and limits

While straightforward, consistent communication may seem obvious in theory, doing it in real life can be challenging. First, you'll need to understand your needs and limits thoroughly.

"Start by introspecting and identifying what behaviors and interactions you find acceptable and where you draw the line," Dr. Hafeez says. "Once these boundaries are clear to you, communicate them directly and assertively to the narcissist, using specific examples to illustrate your expectations clearly."

2. Be ready for pushback

Pushback on boundaries is par for the course with a narcissist. Mentally and strategically, prepare yourself for it.

"Stay resolute in your stance, calmly reaffirming your boundaries whenever they are tested," Dr. Hafeez says. "Avoid getting drawn into emotional arguments or justifying your boundaries excessively, as this can open up manipulation.

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3. Establish consequences

A narcissist may agree to a boundary one minute and then blow through it the next, perhaps telling you they never agreed to anything (hallmark narcissist). You have control over how you respond.

"Consider establishing consequences for boundary violations and be prepared to enforce them if necessary, reinforcing the importance of respecting your limits," Dr. Hafeez says.

4. Prioritize self-care

Being clear and consistent when enforcing boundaries with a narcissist is hard work that can feel like a full-time job you never applied for. Give yourself a break.

"Enforcing boundaries with narcissists can be emotionally taxing, so make time for activities that promote relaxation and resilience," Dr. Hafeez says. "Remember that maintaining clear and consistent boundaries is about protecting yourself, fostering healthier relationships and reclaiming your sense of autonomy. By applying these practical steps with determination and self-assurance, you can navigate interactions with narcissists more effectively while protecting your mental health."

5. Get help

You don't have to do this alone.

"Seek support from trusted individuals who understand the dynamics of dealing with narcissistic personalities," Dr. Hafeez says. "Discuss your boundaries and strategies for maintaining them, and rely on their advice and encouragement during challenging interactions."

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Other Tips For Enforcing Boundaries With Narcissists

1. Cultivate self-awareness and self-validation

Boundary-setting with a narcissist can feel like it's all about external communication, but Dr. Hafeez says it's often an inside job.

"Narcissists often undermine boundaries by dismissing others' feelings or needs, making it crucial to trust your instincts and recognize when boundaries are being challenged," Dr. Hafeez says. "This self-awareness enables you to assert boundaries confidently and recognize manipulative tactics."

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2. Practice assertive communication

Narcissists tend to exploit passive or people-pleasing behaviors to manipulate or overstep boundaries. Assertiveness is your secret weapon in these cases.

"Assertiveness involves clearly expressing your limits and needs without aggression," Dr. Hafeez says. "Use 'I' statements to convey your boundaries firmly, focusing on how their behavior impacts you rather than criticizing them. This approach reinforces the importance of your boundaries and sets a clear standard for respectful interaction."

3. Establish and uphold healthy boundaries across all aspects of your life

You may not only be struggling to enforce boundaries with a narcissist. 

"If you tend to prioritize others' needs over your own, setting boundaries with narcissists and others becomes more challenging," Dr. Hafeez says.

Establishing boundaries with more respectful people in your life is a good way to gain the confidence you need to deal with someone who is narcissistic.

"Assess and prioritize your needs and values in various relationships and situations," Dr. Hafeez says. "Consistently enforcing boundaries reinforces self-respect and enhances your ability to maintain balanced and healthy relationships. Remember, boundaries are about fostering mutual respect and emotional well-being, promoting healthier interactions overall."

Next: 11 Manipulation Tactics Narcissists Use—and How To Spot the Earliest Signs, According to Relationship Experts

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