Is our economy doomed?

Is our economy doomed?

Is the United States economy doomed? Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren seems to believe so. The senator recently wrote a piece on Medium laying the reasons that a financial crash is imminent. Warren does have a solid history of calling these before they occur. She famously predicted the recession in 2008 and has a long history of watching economic trends with a keen idea of incoming potential disasters.

“She's basically a lifelong critic of Wall Street who was complaining about bank lending practices for years before the 2008 financial crash,” Rick Newman said on the latest episode of Ballots and Dollars. He’s not convinced of all of Warren’s assumptions — specifically, if her message will translate into votes.

“Remember, she has to win a majority of the electoral votes,” Newman said. “She doesn't just have to sell some books to people who are interested in her message. She does. She can't win by just preaching to the choir. I mean, she has to persuade a lot of other people to vote for her. I think the weakness of this approach, which is basically saying “everything is terrible under Trump” is that Trump has legitimate weaknesses. Why not go specifically after his weakest points?”

Elizabeth Warren is emerging as a true contender in the upcoming 2020 election. Time will tell if she will be able to gather more hype and win more votes. For the full discussion, listen to the latest episode of Ballots and Dollars to hear the full discussion.