Home and Away's Sophie Dillman shares honest opinion on Patrick's new look

Home and Away star Sophie Dillman has revealed what she really thinks about her boyfriend Patrick O'Connor's new hair.

Video transcript

SOPHIE DILLMAN: Patty has talked about going blonde. He actually-- when I first met him in drama school, what, that would almost be 10 years ago, he had blond hair. And he looked awesome. Like, it really suited him.

So he said, I want to shave my head and I want to dye it blonde. And he said that for so long. Lucas decided to dye his hair blonde. Kyle dyed his hair blonde. And Patty was like, they're copying me. Now I'm going to look like I'm being-- I'm the copier. But he had the original idea. [LAUGHS] But he loves it and I love it. I think it looks great.