Home and Away fans point out odd detail in show: 'What happened?'

Someone seems to be missing from Justin Morgan's life....

Justin Morgan home and away
Someone seems to be missing from Justin's life... Photo: Seven

Home and Away fans are debating what has happened to a once central character affiliated with the Morgan family. Or, more specifically, Justin Morgan. No, we're not talking about Tori or Brody. We're talking about Justin's dog, Buddy!

One Home and Away fan has taken to a Facebook fan group to ask a very important question — in all of the years of Home and Away, does anyone actually have pets?

While some dedicated fans with good memories pointed out some of the pets over the years, including the Fletchers having dogs, and Donald Fisher being the proud owner of a cat, many pointed out while Buddy the dog did exist in some capacity over the years, he hasn't been seen in ages.


With no cute pups or kittens, or rabbits, or whatever tickles your fancy in the pet realm to be seen in Summer Bay, fans have two things on their minds: why does Summer Bay have no animals, but also, what the hell happened to Buddy?

Justin and Buddy on Home and Away
Justin and Buddy in happier times. Photo: Seven

"I always think of how odd that is, it's like the whole bay is petless?" one person asked. "What happened to buddy, never see him anymore," another commented.


"Maybe Irene should get a cat called Sober," one person joked.

"No pets. no kids. No school. Weird," someone else said. "I love Home and Away but they need to get back to the old show with the kids and school and bring Buddy back too, make it more of a family show again," someone else agreed.

"He's in the backyard," one person said. "Poor Buddy, he must be starving, no one ever feeds him, let alone takes him out on daily walks?!" another commented underneath.

Buddy home and away
Buddy, woof twice if you need help. Photo: Seven

Another fan had a different theory. "[Buddy] heard Justin singing and playing guitar and ran far away like a dog with fireworks, poor thing," they said.


Wherever you are Buddy... we miss you, and hope you're OK. Woof twice if you need help.

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