Woman's brilliant rant about parenthood goes viral

Emily Bingham's Facebook post has since gone viral. Photo: Facebook
Emily Bingham's Facebook post has since gone viral. Photo: Facebook

If you’ve ever been pestered by nagging “when are you going to have a baby?” questions, this is going to make your day.

One woman in the US has gone viral with her Facebook post ranting about the problem with asking the ‘baby question’.

Freelance writer Emily Bingham posted the comment last week and it has since been shared over 62,000 times.

Here it is in full:

Hey everyone!!! Now that I got your attention with this RANDOM ULTRASOUND PHOTO I grabbed from a Google image search, this is just a friendly P.S.A. that people's reproductive and procreative plans and decisions are none of your business. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Before you ask the young married couple that has been together for seemingly forever when they are finally gonna start a family ... before you ask the parents of an only-child toddler when a Little Brother or Little Sister will be in the works ... before you ask a single 30-something if/when s/he plans on having children because, you know, clock's ticking ... just stop. Please stop.

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You don't know who is struggling with infertility or grieving a miscarriage or dealing with health issues. You don't know who is having relationship problems or is under a lot of stress or the timing just isn't right. You don't know who is on the fence about having kids or having more kids. You don't know who has decided it's not for them right now, or not for them ever. You don't know how your seemingly innocent question might cause someone grief, pain, stress or frustration. Sure, for some people those questions may not cause any fraught feelings -- but I can tell you, from my own experiences and hearing about many friends' experiences -- it more than likely does.

Bottom line: Whether you are a wanna-be grandparent or a well-intentioned friend or family member or a nosy neighbor, it's absolutely none of your business. Ask someone what they're excited about right now. Ask them what the best part of their day was. If a person wants to let you in on something as personal as their plans to have or not have children, they will tell you. If you're curious, just sit back and wait and let them do so by their own choosing, if and when they are ready.

Posting the ultra sound photo may be a bit of a cruel trick (especially to her family and friends) but it certainly grabbed people’s attention. Some of the responses included: “Perfectly said”, “I couldn’t agree more” and simple, “yes!”

The post has generated a lot of buzz especially among the childfree community. It’s a nice reminder that parenthood, or struggling to become a parent, is a private issue that anyone could be dealing with. Funny that it took sharing her thoughts on social media for people to get it.


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