Golden Retrievers Showcase Adorable Canine Quirks That Are Totally Appalling in Humans

Dogs have literally no concept of time and place or manners, and it shows. Even the most well-behaved pups in the world will take the weirdest opportunities to be gross, and it's not their fault, but it is hilarious.

On Monday, September 30th, a dog mom shared a few things our dogs do on a regular basis that we have been conditioned to feel some shame about doing. Watching her Golden Retrievers commit these faux pas will make you almost forget that they're things you'd get skewered for:

Daisy and Maple are so adorable. I don't even care that they're a little bit nasty, I love them anyway. That's exactly what they're counting on!

Related: Golden Retriever & Baby Human Sibling Are Totrwalettargers" lly Mesmerized by Their Reflections

Daisy is the older sister in this situation. As an older sister myself, I can confirm that Daisy is absolutely 100% to blame for Maple picking up a couple of these bad habits, even with their age gap. With Daisy by her side, Maple will grow up to be even more obnoxious, and their mom can't wait for it!

Honestly, this video went a little easy on the girls and stuck to the cutest gross things they do. Out of all of the things listed, I think the open-mouth chewing is my favorite: at least they're actually chewing and not just inhaling all of their food. Count your blessings!

Do Dogs Understand Manners?

There are some very polite puppies in the world. There are thousands of videos all over social media that show puppies doing things like wiping their feet, drying their faces after a drink of water, and sharing their snacks and toys with their peers. They make it look like dogs understand what we want from them, or maybe that they follow societal norms in their own way.

Instinctually, they do not have "manners" in the human sense. A dog doesn't care how they look after they've eaten, if they're chewing with their mouth open, or whether or not they snore. Basic mannerisms, like the way they eat or whether or not they snore, as well as natural bodily functions can't be corrected with training.

You can train your dog to "have manners" in other regards, though: you can teach them to wipe their feet when they come in from going potty. You can teach them to sit pretty to greet guests - you can even teach them how to shake hands! Daisy and Maple are very demure and mindful when there's company, but when they're at home, all bets are off. That's how it should be!