Gemini Daily Horoscope – April 9 2020

Yesterday we have the Full Moon in the sign of Libra (and I did a ceremony in my back garden which you can watch here for free if you missed it!) We are still in the Full Moon phase and will be for a day or so more… but the Moon hasn’t stopped moving! She is now in the sign of Scorpio – so where is that that means for you!
According to certain members of the medical profession, our minds do rule our bodies, as the New Agers would have us believe. My own beloved, dearly-departed Dad (RIP) was a wonderful and very straight-laced psychiatrist who really thought a lot of my more “out there” ideas were, well, out there! But even he agreed strongly that a stressed mind leads to a stressed body and disease (aka dis-ease). If you’re too stressed, take a moment today to acknowledge that and to think about what you can do for yourself on a daily basis (including re diet) to improve matters.

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The truth is, a lot of magical women (and some enlightened men!) have asked how they can connect with their innate powers and be more magical … These 7 amazing and free resources will help you to do that. Grab them FREE here.