Evil Recap: [Spoiler] Dies, David and Kristen Have a Heartbreaking Conversation Four Seasons in the Making

In her last days on Earth, Rad G really lived up to her name.

Though Evil‘s Sheryl made some really hard-to-love choices over the course of the Paramount+ series, her desire to do right by her family — and protect her daughter and grandchildren — was a thing of beauty in the series’ final season. Unsurprisingly, it also gave the always-great Christine Lahti some of her best scenes in the show’s run.

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Sadly, Sheryl’s campaign against Leland comes to an abrupt halt in this week’s episode, when the sassy grandma dies while trying to take down Dr. Townsend. Guess we’re never gonna get a firm answer about that Eddie doll, eh?

Meanwhile, if you’ve ever even slightly ‘shipped David and Kristen, prepare for a tornado of emotions… as well as an actual tornado. Read on for the highlights of “How to Survive a Storm.”

SHELTER FROM THE STORM | A Category 3 hurricane is heading for New York, and Kristen’s daughters are scared — even more so when a VidTap video informs them that storms thin the barrier between the spirit world and ours. The girls want to make a salt barrier to protect against demons, but they’re out. So they call Kristen, who’s battling panicked hordes — though not panicked herself — at the grocery store.

That’s where she sees Sheryl, who’s wearing a disguise and who is convinced that Leland has demons following her. She gives Kristen a shopping bag full of stun guns for protection. She whispers that she’s always loved her. And when Kristen calls Dr. Boggs to find out what meds her mom is or isn’t taking, Sheryl scurries away.

Kristen returns home to find Leslie and Timothy there. The younger woman wants Kristen to petition the court with her to take the child away from Leland, but Kristen is uninterested… which is good, because Leslie goes straight from Kristen’s place to Leland’s, reporting that she did everything she could “but Kristen wouldn’t budge.”

THE VIEW IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE! | During a remote-viewing session, David sees has the bejesus scared out of him by none other than the Felíz Navidad dog: He’s looking into Leland’s place! Father Dominic says the coordinates were for the new leader of multinational conglomerate controlled by The 60, so… yeah. He warns David not to step into the vision, because “It’s too dangerous.”

The hurricane is upgrade to Category 4. The power goes out at Kristen’s, just as Lexis and Laura think they can hear a boy calling for help via the heating vent in their wall. Lynn and Lila join them as they enter the empty side of the duplex (Lexis somehow knows the code to the keybox) and go upstairs, where they hear cries for help. That’s where they find an iPhone playing a recording of a boy yelling for assistance… then hear someone knocking around downstairs. They all hide — Lexis winds up separated from her sisters — as someone with a flashlight goes from room to room.

Lexis sees a full-on, horned, creepy, growling, George-like demon in the shower area. Meanwhile, in the other room, Lynn thinks quickly: She drops the Bluetooth speaker attached to the phone out into the yard, then plays a song very loudly, drawing the attention of whoever else is in the home. They run home to find Kristen furious that they broke into the neighbor’s place; in a fury, she loads a cake onto a plate to take over as a peace offering.

At the rectory, David remote-views Leland again, and is as shocked as Kristen is when he watches Leland answer her knock on the door: He’s moved into the duplex next door to hers. She shoves the cake in face and slaps him multiple times. He jokes that he’s getting sexually aroused. It’s ugly.


THE VIEW IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE! | Kristen immediately gathers the girls and announces that she’s going to take out another restraining order against Leland once the courts are open after the storm. Then, Ben and David arrive; Ben reports that Leland bought the house legally. David shares that he witnessed the interaction at the door via remote viewing, then hints that he might be able to intervene in a more forceful way. For his part, Ben says he can back up Leland’s side of the sewage line. “He’s going to rue the day he moved in next door,” he says. Just then, Hurricane Lucy is upgraded to a Category 5.

David takes his moral dilemma to Father Ignatius: If someone were to kill someone who was definitely going to hurt someone they loved, is it kosher in God’s eyes? The priest says no, and the person initiating the killing would sacrifice their soul in the process. That said: “If I had a chance to stop the person who killed Matt, the monsignor, I would have, even if it meant killing that person,” Father Ignatius says. “To my mind, that would be serving God.”

So David goes to his room and quickly goes into the state where he’s able to direct a person’s actions: He has Leland grab some bleach and a glass, but the bottle is empty. Then the knife drawer is empty. So he grabs a fireplace poker and faces the mirror… then Leland appears to come back to himself. “Hello, David,” he drawls, apparently HAVING TAKEN CONTROL OF DAVID OH NO THIS IS BAD. He brings David into the rectory kitchen, where he grabs a butcher knife and aims it at his sternum, the tip piercing his skin so he bleeds.

Just at that moment, though, Leland is distracted by the ungodly stench coming from his bathroom, where the toilet, bathtub and sink have started spewing brown sewage. Ben the Magnificent! He goes to investigate, and the spell is broken. When David comes to, Sister Andrea is standing next to him, her hand on the bloodstain on his chest.


CORPORATE MALFEASANCE | Sheryl takes advantage of DF’s empty offices to go in and send a push notification announcing Leland’s death, with the goal of tanking the company’s stock. So Leland makes a frantic call, and Dr. Boggs (?!) shows up at the office. He claims he’s there because Kristen called and he couldn’t find her at home. That seems to be the truth, and they discuss how “demons” are often the manifestation of heightened psychological states. Then the DF employee who shows up to ask Sheryl to sign an expense report UNZIPS HIS HUMAN SKIN and exposes himself as a demon, stunning Boggs. The only thing that saves them from the goblin, after he breaks down the door, is that his skin-suit and pants are still pooled around his ankles, hobbling him. As he shuffles after the pair, they climb up to the study and get away. (Side note: This scene is emblematic of what Robert and Michelle King do so well in this show. It’s scary. It’s grotesque. It’s hilarious. We care about the fates of the characters involved. And all at the same time!)

Father Dominic is mad that David stepped into Leland, and he correctly guesses that Leland was able twist the situation to his advantage. He explains that Leland was a member of The Entity, a priest-in-training for a decade who knows everything The Entity can do. “Now he has a pathway into your mind,” he explains to David and Sister Andrea, adding that Leland can try to control David’s actions at any time now, and The Entity doesn’t know how to stop it. But Sister Andrea has a simple, if not easy, solution: “Kill him.”

Meanwhile, Sheryl and Dr. Boggs watch the storm at his office; at one point, she slips away and steals some meds from his locked cabinet. Then she says she has to go, leaving him with envelopes for him to deliver to Kristen and Andy.

BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES | In Kristen’s office, Team Good learns that it can get Leland to let go of his grip on David by forcing him to remember his painfully awkward high school days. Just then, they all get an alert that there’s now a tornado (!!) in the area. Everyone gathers in the upstairs bathroom, but Lynn notices that Sister Andrea is still in the yard. The nun is getting attacked by demons; one gets close and lets her know that the weather they’re experiencing is pure evil. When she collapses, David carries her inside, but she insists she’s fine and that she just needs to pray. So she kneels at the tub and goes for it, with Lynn, Lila and Laura quickly joining her while Lexis and the adults watch.

Sheryl crushes up the pills she stole from Boggs and puts them in a jar of the mystery liquid at Leland’s townhouse. When Leland returns, desperate to quiet the marching band playing in his brain as a result of Kristen, David and Ben’s fighting back, he quickly injects the tainted infusion and starts foaming at the mouth. Sheryl is there with a switchblade, moments from slitting his throat, when she’s taken out from behind by a demon who tells Leland he can’t keep saving him.


‘I WISH I HAD TWO LIVES’ | When the storm dies down, everyone except for David is asleep in the upstairs bathroom. Kristen wakes to see him watching her. “I wish I had two lives,” he tells her quietly, “One for God, and one for you.” And as my heart is simultaneously LIVING and DYING, Kristen responds, “I wish I had two lives: Both of them for you.” It is perhaps the sweetest, tenderest, most heart-breaking moment in the series thus far, and it’s tempered just a little bit when Ben says, “What about me?” She regards him fondly. “Three lives,” she says.

The tender moment doesn’t last. Kristen gets a call: Sheryl “fell” from a balcony and has been taken to the hospital in very bad shape. The girls circle around Tad G’s bed and tearfully beg her not to die. Then they leave the room and it’s just Kristen and Sheryl. “Forgive me,” Sheryl gasps. Kristen touches her cheek and tells her mother she loves her. At Sheryl’s nodded request, David performs the last rites; Sheryl dies before he’s done with The Lord’s Prayer, and Kristen sobs in the doorway.

At home, she takes a thumb drive out of the envelope Boggs gave her and plugs it into her laptop: It’s footage of Sheryl, showing the hidden room in Leland’s apartment. Soon after, the police knock on Leland’s door with a search warrant and quickly arrest him. “Leslie,” he yells to Timothy’s mom, “call my lawyer!”

But everything is playing into Leland’s grand plan after all: When Leland and Leslie are taken into custody, the police show up in Queens and say that either Kristen can take Timothy (as his biological mother) or he can go into state custody. Kristen, who has HAD a DAY, stares at the cop with a dazed smile on her face while David and Ben, in the background, look on in shock. The hour ends on the police officer’s question: “Your decision, ma’am?”

Now it’s your turn. What did you think of the episode? Sound off in the comments!

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