If You've Ever Lost A Friend Due To Unreciprocated Romantic Feelings, We Want To Hear Your Stroy
You can't help who you catch feelings for. An innocent crush on a classmate, neighbor, or coworker is one thing, but when you fall for a friend, that opens a whole new can of worms. You must either internalize your feelings and hope they go away or come clean about how you feel. But if you decide to address your crush, you must be prepared for your friendship to change forever.
Perhaps you went through a rocky breakup in college. Once you were finally done with your ex for good, your best friend confessed their feelings for you, which totally shook up your friendship. You thought of them as a support system and confidante, and you couldn't picture them as a romantic interest. Plus, you couldn't stomach the idea of potentially going through a horrible breakup with them. It hurt your heart, but you rejected them. You told them you really wanted to stay friends, but they couldn't handle facing you after their emotional confession. You drifted apart, and you didn't speak anymore by graduation.
Maybe you developed a crush on your best friend when you were only 11 years old. You remained friends through your teens and 20s and kept the crush a secret. When they started dating someone pretty seriously in their late 20s, you decided you needed to tell them how you felt. They were caught off guard by the revelation and told you they were actually considering proposing to their partner. Apparently, they also told their partner about your confession in an attempt to be completely transparent with them before proposing, and their partner did not react well. They insisted you and your friend cut ties, and since you were so heartbroken and embarrassed, you agreed.
Or, perhaps you fell really hard for your best friend's boyfriend. One night, after a few too many drinks, you told your friend about your unfortunate crush, and they became really insecure and upset. They marched their boyfriend up to you and made him tell you face-to-face that he had no interest in you. Your best friend told you the friendship was over, and then she and her boyfriend blocked you on everything.
Have you ever lost a friendship due to unrequited love? What happened? Tell us in the comments or share your story anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.