Dubu Jorim (Korean-Style Braised Tofu) Recipe

korean braised tofu dish
korean braised tofu dish - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

Whether you have yet to find your go-to tofu recipe or you're looking to expand your existing repertoire, this dubu jorim recipe, courtesy of Mashed recipe developer Tanika Douglas, is an excellent place to start. In this Korean recipe, sliced tofu gets the star treatment with a tasty sauce and a quick braise. "Tofu is often seen as quite a bland and boring protein, when in reality it's a brilliant vehicle for flavor," says Douglas. "The tofu has umami and sweet notes, with the perfect hum of spice from the gochujang."

"Another reason I love this dish is that it literally only takes 20 minutes to whip [up], which makes it the perfect easy weeknight meal," Douglas raves. If you're not sure if the whole family will like it, she says, "I've served this for meat-loving guests, and the tofu is so irresistible that they've gone back for seconds -- which is a big win in my eyes!"

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Gather The Ingredients For Dubu Jorim

korean braised tofu ingredients
korean braised tofu ingredients - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

For the sauce, you'll need soy sauce, sesame oil, granulated sugar, gochujang paste, and sesame seeds. Next, slice a block of firm tofu, dice half of a yellow onion, and slice a couple of scallions.

Step 1: Combine The Sauce Ingredients

sauce ingredients in bowl
sauce ingredients in bowl - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

In a small bowl, mix together the soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, gochujang, sesame seeds, and ½ cup water.

Step 2: Heat Oil In A Skillet

heating oil in skillet
heating oil in skillet - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

Place a large skillet over medium heat and add a drizzle of cooking oil.

Step 3: Cook The Sliced Tofu

cooking tofu slices in skillet
cooking tofu slices in skillet - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

Add the tofu slices to the pan and cook for 2 minutes on each side, or until golden brown.

Step 4: Remove The Tofu

golden tofu stacked on plate
golden tofu stacked on plate - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

Remove the tofu slices from the pan and set aside.

Step 5: Saute The Onion

sauteeing diced onions in skillet
sauteeing diced onions in skillet - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

Add the diced onion to the pan and saute until softened and translucent.

Step 6: Add In The Tofu And Sauce

tofu with sauce in pan
tofu with sauce in pan - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

Add the tofu and the sauce back into the pan.

Step 7: Cook To Reduce The Sauce

spooning sauce on tofu in pan
spooning sauce on tofu in pan - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

Cook the sauce for 2 minutes over heat, allowing it to reduce while continually spooning the sauce over the tofu.

Step 8: Transfer The Tofu To A Plate

braised tofu with sauce
braised tofu with sauce - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

Place the tofu onto a serving plate and spoon over the sauce.

Step 9: Garnish And Serve

braised tofu with sauce and scallions
braised tofu with sauce and scallions - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

Garnish with the scallions, and enjoy.

Dubu Jorim (Korean Braised Tofu) Recipe

korean braised tofu dish
korean braised tofu dish - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

How Can You Customize This Korean Tofu Recipe?

braised tofu with scallions
braised tofu with scallions - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

This tasty braised tofu recipe features bold flavors, but you can make a few modifications if you prefer a subtler taste. For starters, although Douglas lists firm tofu in the ingredients, she confirms that medium-firm tofu is a good option, too. "I recommend just carefully flipping it in the pan," she says. "It's just best to steer clear of silken tofu, as it's too fragile for this recipe."

Douglas also suggests, "If you're not a fan of spice, you can reduce the gochujang to ¼ tablespoon for a pop of flavor without too much heat." Aside from spice, the fermented red chili paste infuses the dish with earthy, sweet, and salty notes, so don't skip it entirely. On the other hand, if you prefer your food extra spicy, serve the tofu with sriracha or your favorite hot sauce. As for the garnishes, Douglas says, "If you don't have scallions on hand, pungent cilantro or chives are a great substitution." These herbs will add a bit of texture and herbal character to the dish without the pepperiness of scallions.

What Other Dishes Can You Serve With Dubu Jorim Tofu?

braised tofu piece with scallions
braised tofu piece with scallions - Tanika Douglas/Mashed

Not only is Korean braised tofu super quick to make, but it is incredibly versatile when it comes to pairing it with side dishes and serving leftovers. "It makes a brilliant entree, though it can also be turned into a satisfying main meal," Douglas says. If you're preparing Korean-style udon noodles for example, dubu jorim makes a great starter to whet your appetite.

Meanwhile, if you're making the tofu the focus of your meal, Douglas shares, "On busy weeknights, I love cooking up a plate of dubu jorim and serving it simply with steamed rice and sauteed greens." The veggies will cook quickly, and you can set the rice to steam before you start the rest of the prep to time your meal well.

There are plenty of things to do with the leftover dubu jorim, so consider making a bit more than you plan to eat to save some for the next day. "I've also added the leftover tofu to a sandwich with crisp lettuce, cucumber, kimchi, and kewpie, and it's made the most delicious, easy lunch," Douglas says.

Read the original article on Mashed.