You Don't Need To Be Perfectly Pedantic To Be Thoroughly Bothered By These 16 Irritating Situations

1.The time someone designed these kitchen cabinets like this:

Open kitchen drawer and cabinet showing white interiors and black handles
u/SungEunSays /

2.The time this person's landlord couldn't be bothered with removing a penny before painting the window ledge:

A coin lies on a textured surface near a dusty window ledge with a blurred outdoor view
u/raynsuch /

3.The time this EXIT sign was placed backwards and upside down:

A ceiling-mounted sign shows the word "EXIT" in reverse
u/StrixlySpeaking /

4.The time this office was a person's designed work space:

Office chair in a small room surrounded by tall stacks of cardboard boxes
u/Dramatic-Avocado4687 /

5.The time this person let someone borrow their tools and they returned them like this:

A socket wrench set neatly arranged in a black plastic case, with various sizes and shapes of sockets and bits visible
u/reallydidthisforjoe /

6.The time a person installed tile like this:

Shower with modern wavy black and white tile patterns on the walls
Shower with modern wavy black and white tile patterns on the walls
Marble tiles with wavy, dark patterns on a polished surface
Marble tiles with wavy, dark patterns on a polished surface

u/Super_Chef_9900 /

Here's the finished product:

Polished marble bathroom under renovation, showing tools and materials like buckets and tarps scattered around the space
u/Super_Chef_9900 /

7.The time this person's landlord replaced their lightbulb with this one:

Vanity lighting fixture with five cone-shaped lamps, three lit and two unlit, mounted above a mirror
u/GoldenDragoon5687 /

8.The time this lot had lines painted this badly:

Construction site with equipment, stacked materials, and a green lift vehicle in a fenced-off area. Trees and buildings are visible in the background
u/aieaee /

9.The time the person who installed this door handle and lock did so like this:

Door handle and lock on a white door, featuring a modern black lever and deadbolt
u/Biomax315 /

10.The time this brand made their green soap lemon scented and their yellow soap lime scented:

Two bottles of Splendid dish soap on a shelf, labeled Citrus Fresh and Lime Scent. Each bottle is 500 ml and marked with "Concentrate."
u/I_am_Meson /

11.The time this phone malfunctioned with a permanent green line that was slightly off center:

Smartphone screen showing time 6:34 on Thursday, November 14. The screen has a wavy ocean wallpaper with a visible green line
u/Puzzleheaded-Pen6947 /

12.The time this person's alarm had second intervals like this:

Dropdown menu showing time options: 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 300 seconds, and Cancel. 90 seconds is highlighted
u/get_homebrewed /

13.The time these stickers had the days of the week completely out of order:

Sticker sheet with labeled days of the week, Monday to Sunday, in repetitive rows. Contains a warning: choking hazard, small parts, ages 3+
u/kim_frenchhorn /

14.The time this sparkling water brand decided to switch the labeling on one singular bottle:

Store shelf displays Sparkling Ice beverages with promotional prices: $3.99 each or 2 for $3.00. Flavors include Lemonade and labeled varieties
u/SyntaxErrorAtLine420 /

15.The time this cereal needed to be manually mixed:

Open cereal bag showing separate layers of colored round pieces on top and yellow square pieces below
u/Bheks /

16.And, finally, the time this fortune cookie had this very ironic fortune on it:

A fortune cookie slip reads, "To be mature is to accept imperfections."
u/Goose_07 /