You Don't Need To Be Perfectly Pedantic To Be Thoroughly Bothered By These 16 Irritating Situations
1.The time someone designed these kitchen cabinets like this:
2.The time this person's landlord couldn't be bothered with removing a penny before painting the window ledge:
3.The time this EXIT sign was placed backwards and upside down:
4.The time this office was a person's designed work space:
5.The time this person let someone borrow their tools and they returned them like this:
6.The time a person installed tile like this:
u/Super_Chef_9900 /
Here's the finished product:
7.The time this person's landlord replaced their lightbulb with this one:
8.The time this lot had lines painted this badly:
9.The time the person who installed this door handle and lock did so like this:
10.The time this brand made their green soap lemon scented and their yellow soap lime scented:
11.The time this phone malfunctioned with a permanent green line that was slightly off center:
12.The time this person's alarm had second intervals like this:
13.The time these stickers had the days of the week completely out of order:
14.The time this sparkling water brand decided to switch the labeling on one singular bottle:
15.The time this cereal needed to be manually mixed:
16.And, finally, the time this fortune cookie had this very ironic fortune on it: