Dolly Parton Reveals She Won't Be Touring Again Because She "Needs to Be" With Her Husband

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Dolly Parton Reveals Why She Won't Be TouringVALERIE MACON - Getty Images

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The Queen of Country is at it again with her latest album, Rockstar, which features an extensive list of other A-list singers and songwriters (Elton John, Debbie Harry, Sting — just to name a few). There are over 30 songs, including nine original tracks, so, naturally, fans are wondering when they can see Dolly Parton on tour.

As epic as we know it would be, Dolly has confirmed once again that she will no longer be touring. In a recent interview with Good Housekeeping to promote her new alum and book, Behind the Seams: My Life in Rhinestones, on TalkShopLive (which you can watch above), Dolly revealed the main reason she's stopped touring.

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Rockstar CD w/ GH Seal

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Rockstar CD w/ GH Seal


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"I don't tour anymore," Dolly said with a laugh. "I've got so many business things I'm doing. And my husband and I are getting older — he's a little older than I am — and I kind of need to be with him."


Dolly also noted that the time it takes to bring a tour together is a big commitment regardless of how old you are. "You got to be committed to that. And I did that all my life."

But don't be too disappointed. Dolly said she's definitely open to performing the songs with the other artists for an awards show or some other television special. And even if we can't go to a Dolly show, we can rest assured knowing at least she's got no plans to retire.

"I might take off of you know, a month instead of a week, but no, I don't plan to ever retire unless my husband was sick and really needed me, or I was sick, that'd be the only two reasons I would ever quit. And let's hope that never happens."

Amen, Dolly!

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