We Actually Need To Know Which Word You Spelled Wrong In Your Spelling Bee

If you grew up in the US, you've probably heard of a little thing called the spelling bee. It's a school-wide competition where students anxiously get up on stage, shakily stand in front of a microphone, and are given a random word to spell. If you spell your word right, you can move on to the next round. Get it wrong? You're OUT and HUMILIATED.

Person on stage in front of a microphone, facing an empty audience, wearing a casual short-sleeve top
Nicoletaionescu / Getty Images

We can't all be winners. While one person per school was crowned the spelling bee champion, the rest of us botched one word and got kicked out. We were left with a singular word that would cause anguish for the rest of our days.

It was brutal. The Hunger Games could never. If you participated, I'm guessing you have personal beef with it to this day. Let's process our spelling bee(f) together. I want to know the word that made YOU lose it all.

Microphone stands alone on stage in front of closed curtains, spotlight shining on it
Adam Taylor / Getty Images

I'll expose myself first: E-N-V-I-R-O-M-E-N-T. WRONG. It's ENVIRONMENT. I missed the letter "n" and I'll never forgive myself. It's been 21 years, but sometimes I consider littering just to get back at the enviroNment for the shame it brought me on that cold, sinister 4th-grade afternoon.


Were you one of the poor students cursed with the word "pterodactyl" after the contestant before you lucked out with an easy word like "table"? AN INJUSTICE! Tell us about it in the comments.

Pterosaur with long wings and beak flies over a prehistoric landscape with water and distant hills
Mr1805 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Maybe you pulled a Dwight Schrute from The Office and misspelled, in front of the entire school, the word "failure."

Dwight Shrute from "The Office" explaining how he lost the spelling bee by misspelling the word "failure"
NBC Universal Television

We want to know! It doesn't matter how embarrassing it is. We want to know if it IS the word "embarrassing." Your comment could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!