Christina Aguilera's slicked-back hairstyle is giving us Draco Malfoy's twin sister vibes

We've deduced that Christina Aguilera is in fact a squib (a non-magical person born to witch and wizard parents) because you can't tell me she's not Draco Malfoy's long-lost twin sister. And you can bet the Malfoys would have covered up a 'shameful' squib and had them sent to the States real quick. Before I get on to the visual evidence, just note, that Christina was born in 1980, making her 11 in 1991... the year Malfoy, Harry and co. turned 11 and went off to Hogwarts! The numbers add up.

Now, how did I realise this you ask? Well, beauty is full of the world's secrets, posting on Instagram from Australia, Xtina's latest super stunning look gave away her secret.

Though her long platinum hair was down and swirling, she wore it slicked right back across her head and the Malfoy energy was overwhelming. TBF even the look, the walk, the attitude; someone give this woman a snake head cane and tell Lucious Malfoy he's been outdone in the luscious locks category by his own daughter.


But it's not the first time she was clocked for who she really is, and I trawled back to 2016 (ok I Googled) to find this look. I mean...

I don't know if the hairstylists on set for the first Harry Potter realised that with this slimy slicked-back look they were doing on the little kid from The Borrowers, they were creating arguably the most iconic hair look from the series. Or that 20 years later it would still be one of the go-to slicked-back hair references. We're guessing not, but we hope they're proud.

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