Child's comic tale of 'Danger Sausage' goes viral

Red Smith smiles at the camera
Red Smith's creation went viral on social media after a neighbour posted about it [Amelia Smith]

A six-year-old’s homemade comic book went viral on social media after he sold it to a neighbour for £1.

Red Smith, from Brighton, wrote a story based on a character called Danger Sausage, originally the creation of author Jamie Smart.

It got more than 1.3m views when the neighbour, Keri Warbis - as well as Mr Smart - shared the comic on social media on Sunday.

Red's mother, Amelia Smith, said her young son liked the character so much he decided to write a spin off.

The comic opens with the lines: "One time there was a sausage as you can see. He was no ordinary sausage, he was a danger sausage."

Ms Smith said she didn't know that Red had sold the comic to a neighbour until the following day.

Mr Smart, the award-winning author of popular books Bunny Vs Monkey and Looshkin, said he hoped Red would be inspired to keep making "brilliant" comics after the "amazing reaction".

The Kent-based writer told BBC South East: "It’s been so fun watching the reaction to Red’s work.

"He’s not only very talented, but he’s really funny too. He already has a great skill in making comics!

"Honestly, it’s amazing that he liked Danger Sausage enough to tell his own stories.

"I’m very honoured."

Ms Smith said Red was using his comic book projects as “an excuse to stay up writing comics when he's supposed to be going to bed”.

In a post on X, Ms Warbis said: “Bought a comic called ‘Danger Sausage’ from a little kid who was selling their home made comics on my street.

“£1 well spent, I’d say.”

Red is already planning a sequel.

He told BBC Radio Sussex: “There's a new villain called Timmy Pork Chop.”

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