Capricorn Daily Horoscope – July 24 2019

Today’s Waning Quarter Moon makes this an excellent time to release much of the recent accumulated tension. After two big eclipses, and with an introspective Mercury Retrograde still hanging on, today represents is a needed pivot toward cleaning out the energetic cobwebs. It’s a good time to heal hurts and prepare for the New Moon and Mercury station on July 31.

Here’s where the focus is for you now

For you Sea-Goats, this is a day that has great potential. The Quarter Moon opens up your sensitivities, but you need to let go of all the static so that wisdom and joy can fill you to the brim. Playing with children or simply being in their presence is a good idea today. With witty Mercury and sweet Venus embracing each other together today, it’s an unusual time in that it can make you feel quite sentimental. Amid all your usual responsibilities, take time out for fun!

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