17 Toxic Bosses Whose Power Trip Came To An End After An Employee Stood Up For Themself
1.This person who called out their job for not supplying employees water anymore:
2.This person who had enough:
3.This person who left a handwritten letter of resignation:
4.This person who was moving on to better things:
5.This person who worked at a company where they cut payroll:
6.This person who kept their resignation short and sweet:
7.This person whose wage was lowered:
8.This person whose boss deserved way worse than this:
9.This person who refused to work on the holidays last-minute:
10.This person who reminded their boss that certain things are illegal:
11.This person whose boss told them to change the day they were putting down their dog:
12.This person who argued for more money:
13.The person who gave their boss a spell check and also quit in the comments they wrote:
14.This person who took their sick days seriously:
15.This person who valued their freedom more than their job:
16.This person who was asked to work outside of office hours:
17.And finally, this person who did not give a hoot about bosses's threat: