17 Toxic Bosses Whose Power Trip Came To An End After An Employee Stood Up For Themself

1.This person who called out their job for not supplying employees water anymore:

Text discussing high net worth and sales plans, mentioning water cost and employee hydration. Additional note: water markdowns are seasonal
u/iErnie56 / Via reddit.com

2.This person who had enough:

Text message expressing frustration about commission-based work and requesting a set salary or alternative job arrangements for stability
u/DavidDGardnerII / Via reddit.com

3.This person who left a handwritten letter of resignation:

Note with "Good luck finding your fourth token. Best, -Amy" next to a blue star-shaped token on a cluttered desk
u/viviana1994 / Via reddit.com

4.This person who was moving on to better things:

Text message explaining the sender is leaving a job due to lack of support and mental health impacts from a controlling environment
u/ASMBGShShRKN3 / Via reddit.com

5.This person who worked at a company where they cut payroll:

Exchange of messages discussing payroll cuts and expressing frustration about feeling disposable and concerns over financial stability
u/drmeliyofrli / Via reddit.com

6.This person who kept their resignation short and sweet:

Text conversation: Boss says they're short-staffed this weekend. Employee responds with "lol good luck. Also I quit!" Confetti effect appears
u/krazykid1 / Via reddit.com

7.This person whose wage was lowered:

Text conversation with Evan: Request for key return, mentions quitting through Joan, asks for a five-minute talk, and references Conan in a food truck
u/ExoticDragonfruit / Via reddit.com

8.This person whose boss deserved way worse than this:

A text conversation where one person explains they can't work due to a family death, while the other responds insensitively, ending with "Mail me my check. I quit."
u/tylerro2 / Via reddit.com

9.This person who refused to work on the holidays last-minute:

Text conversation about a worker refusing to cover extra shifts during holidays, resulting in quitting the job
u/frenzzzykid / Via reddit.com

10.This person who reminded their boss that certain things are illegal:

Text conversation: One person accuses others of causing more harm than paid, detailing a $200 charge. Others dispute, mention labor laws, and request written proof
u/kissmaryjane / Via reddit.com

11.This person whose boss told them to change the day they were putting down their dog:

Text conversation about scheduling work coverage, discussing a personal conflict and need to find a replacement due to a prior commitment
u/lailette / Via reddit.com
Text exchange about needing to find coverage at work, discussing pet care and giving two weeks' notice
u/lailette / Via reddit.com

12.This person who argued for more money:

boss saying to come in and the employee saying to pay me overtime
u/somenerdnamedtom / Via reddit.com

13.The person who gave their boss a spell check and also quit in the comments they wrote:

Handwritten note with a message to an employer about staff shortages and hardworking employees, graded B with humorous comments
u/GlitteringSpell5885 / Via reddit.com
Handwritten note reads: "PS- You'll never pass third grade spelling and grammar like this. I quit :) -Fran 5/9/12."
u/GlitteringSpell5885 / Via reddit.com

14.This person who took their sick days seriously:

boss thinks an employee is bluffing about quitting and they actually do
u/spr_t / Via reddit.com

15.This person who valued their freedom more than their job:

boss saying to come in to someone on probation and them saying i am not going to jail for my job
u/cunnyslam / Via reddit.com

16.This person who was asked to work outside of office hours:

boss asking for a favor late at night and getting shut down
u/rumbletumblecrumble / Via reddit.com

17.And finally, this person who did not give a hoot about bosses's threat:

boss threatening discipline and then the worker quitting
u/1in7billion_ / Via reddit.com