Here’s How The New Dyson Hairdryer Works

By now you’ve probably read the news that Dyson (yes, the vacuum cleaner company) is launching a patented hairdryer.

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Naturally, the internet lost its s%&! when photos of the dryer came to light – after all, the Dyson vacuum cleaner is the best of its kind – so surely the hairdryer will follow suit?

We don’t want to get you too excited, but it is being touted as the first dryer of its kind in the world.

This morning, the good folk over at Sunrise trialled the appliance live on air to demonstrate its whisper-quiet technology.


“This is four years in the making,” said tech expert Val Quinn. “As you can hear, it’s a lot quieter than your average hairdryer. Dyson actually used 1600 kilometres worth of human hair to test this.”

The new dryer is also a lot smaller and lighter than a normal dryer, but apparently eight times as powerful – but that’s not to say it’s going to ruin your hair with its heat.

“It monitors the heat at a rate of 20 times a second and adjusts the temperature accordingly so it never burns the hair,” explains Quinn.

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Not since the ghd launched its now iconic straightener has there been such a fuss over a hair device. Watch this space!