Barbara Hershey and Naveen Andrews Split

It's not just Lost that's over for actor Naveen Andrews. News has broken that his tumultuous 12-year relationship with actress Barbara Hershey quietly ended six months ago.

"They remain the best of friends," Andrews's manager, Renee Jennet, says of the couple with the 21-year age difference. Andrews was 29 when he met Hershey, then 50, in 1998 on the indie film Drowning on Dry Land.

Andrews, 41, first split with Hershey, 62, in 2005, during which time Andrews fathered a child with another woman. "I have every intention of assuming appropriate responsibility for the child," Andrews said in a statement at the time.

After the Lost star reconciled with the Beaches star following that brief split, he was photographed kissing a mystery woman but said: "(My private life) seems to be dysfunctional (but) what's actually going on ... is good and pure." He and Hershey then continued their relationship.