Locky Gilbert's 'dig' at Bachelor contestants in loved-up snap

He’s spent the last few days living it up in the Australian outdoors with his new love, Irena Srbinovska but now, Locky Gilbert appears to have taken a subtle swipe at the Bachelor contestants.

The new couple spent last weekend touring Hunter Valley, with Locky taking to his Instagram account to upload a snap of the pair setting up their tent.

Locky Gilbert on a couch in a suit on The Bachelor
Locky Gilbert appears to have taken a subtle swipe at the Bachelor contestants. Photo: Instagram/Locky Gilbert

“What a blood great weekend. 3 days 2 nights and 600km. Could not be happier with the @ducatiausnz and all our camping gear from @decathlonau. But a massive congrats to my beautiful Girlfriend for her first multi day bike ride. Love you so much.”

When a journalist from the Daily Mail commented saying: “Thanks for the invite. Looks like fun”, Locky replied, seemingly getting in a dig at some of the other contestants.

Locky Gilbert and Irena camping in Hunter Valley
Locky and Irena spent the weekend camping in Hunter Valley. Photo: Instagram/Locky Gilbert
Bella Varelis and Bec Cvilikas from The Bachelor 2020
Bella Varelis and Bec Cvilikas have just moved into an apartment together in Bondi. Photo: Instagram/Bella Varelis

“Have to have some secrets. We not too keen on the whole Bondi vibe. Give us the mountains any day.”


Speculation has now run rife that Locky may be referring to runner-up Bella Varelis and contestant Bec Cvilikas, who have just moved into an apartment together in Bondi.

The pair even spent Sunday enjoying breakfast and champagne together aboard The Island floating barge on Sydney Harbour.

Last week, runner-up Bella Varelis revealed what really happened during filming of the reality show finale, just after she was turned down by Locky Gilbert.

Speaking to fellow former Bachie contestants, Laura Byrne and Brittany Hockley, on their podcast, Life Uncut, Bella spilled all the details about that very awkward moment she asked if she could leave the set.

Bella Varelis
Bella Varelis has revealed what really happened at the Bachelor finale. Photo: Instagram/Bella Veralis

A clearly heartbroken Bella said she couldn’t wait to get out of there, but got one cracking dig in at the man who had only hours previously told her he was in love with her.


“I looked at him and he was saying, ‘I love you, no I do I mean everything I said’, and I was like ‘you’ve got honour tattooed on your chest mate’,” she said, referencing Lockys massive ‘Strength & Honour’ tattoo.

Laura and Brittany were shocked they decided to cut the perfect remark from the show’s finale.

Bella on the Bachelor 2020
Locky broke up with Bella during the finale. Photo: Channel 10
Locky Gilbert on Survivor
Locky has a 'Strength & Honour' tattoo across his chest. Photo: Channel 10

Bella continued saying: “ I looked at the cameras and I was like ‘can I leave?’ and I saw all of the crew were sitting there and had their hands over their face and a few of them were crying, others were like ‘yes’.

“They were all just nodding their heads like ‘yeah leave’ and I was like I’m going. He screamed after I walked off. He literally screamed at the top of his lungs ‘f***’. “



Bella said she was determined not to turn around and kept walking until she got to the car. She then saw her producer who was ‘bawling her eyes out’ but Bella said she told herself not to cry until she was away from Locky.

Locky Gilbert and Bella Veralis on The Bachelor
According to Bella, Locky screamed f*** as she walked away. Photo: Channel 10

During the episode, Bella also revealed that she has sent Locky a text since leaving the show.

“I’ve sent him a message, I haven’t told anyone that,” she said.

“I did send him a message after just to be like, I mean, it was like two days after, I was devastated, I was shattered, I was upset, I was angry.

“It was a pretty angry text, to be honest.

“The first part was like, ‘I feel like I’ve lost my best friend not just my boyfriend. It was a relationship for me.’”

Last week, viewers were left livid at Locky’s cruel beakup with Bella on the show just one day after telling her he loved her.


The 31-year-old ended up choosing Irena Srbinovska, after also telling her he loved her on their final date.

Fans were swift in sharing their thoughts on the breakup, and they were not impressed.

"Telling both girls you’re in love with them before having to break up with one is so incredibly cruel. You’ve outdone yourself," wrote one user.

Another noted that Locky kissed Bella on the lips right before the split, writing, "you don’t kiss someone on the lips and then break up with them."

Someone else wrote, "Tell a woman you love her, then break up with her. Locky just goes down and down in my estimation, which to be fair, didn’t start too high."

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