Aquarius Daily Horoscope – November 14 2020

Mars is ending its retrograde

Mars ends its once-every-two-years retrograde now, ending an extraordinary 2-month reverse cycle. As this cycle comes through then, we can expect a lot of treading water to come to an end to. If there’s something in your life that you’ve been stuck on, not sure why you’re not moving forward with it, that can change now. I can think of a few things that have been stuck with me. Can you? Let’s see if they start to come “unstuck” in a good way now that Mars is moving forwards again.

What else is happening?

Yesterday I talked about the mighty Jupiter/Pluto conjunction which only happens about every 12 or 13 years and which took place this week. I told you what it means for your Pluto – and now here’s how it triggered Jupiter for you. Jupiter is in your 12th House.

Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter

Jupiter in your 12th House – which you have now – can be amazing. For one thing, it makes you happy to be on your own, which is a blessing (especially if you’re alone in lockdown!) It’s a time when you can withdraw from the outside world for some meditation and contemplation. However when Jupiter is being triggered as now, you need to make sure you don’t allow alone-time to become lonely time. Also if you know you’ve been in a funk, do something to cheer yourself up.

Let’s connect with the New Moon

I will be doing a Dark Moon ceremony tomorrow and a New Moon one on Sunday. What do you need to release and what do you want to bring into your life? (The ceremonies are FREE). Register here.