Aldi shoppers love this 'amazing' free hack for leftovers: 'Great idea'

Home cooks can't get enough of this genius cooking tip.

An Aldi shopper's question about using leftover herb oil from marinated feta turned into a masterclass in sustainable cooking and creativity. Photo: Facebook/Reddit
An Aldi shopper's question about using leftover herb oil from marinated feta turned into a masterclass in sustainable cooking and creativity. Photo: Facebook/Reddit

In an age where sustainability is key and families are trying to stretch their dollar further, wasting food is a no-go. So when an Aldi shopper asked an online cooking community how to repurpose the leftover herb oil from her marinated feta jar, the responses were nothing short of resourceful genius, proving shoppers are indeed finding creative ways to elevate everyday ingredients.

"Does anyone find another use? I don't want to waste," the home cook asked the group alongside a photo of her chosen feta from Aldi. What followed was an avalanche of suggestions that will likely make you think twice before throwing away that flavoursome oil ever again.

One of the top suggestions was to use the oil for roasting vegetables.

"Use it to roast potato and sweet potatoes," one member recommended, with another agreeing the oil is "amazing on roast veg."


For those who can't get enough feta, another simple yet brilliant idea was to "add more feta." A savvy shopper noted, "That's what I do too, buying feta in a packet is cheaper than the jar too. Winning!"

An unrecognizable female chef adding olive oil to a salad dressing
Making a salad dressing with the leftover feta oil was a hit among the group. Photo: Getty

Far and away, the most popular option, though, was to transform the leftover oil into a salad dressing.

One user suggested, "Definitely add some freshly squeezed lemon, lime or orange juice for a salad dressing." This tip resonated with many, making it a go-to solution for those looking to add a zesty twist to their greens.

Carb lovers rejoiced at the idea of using the oil as a dip, with one member asking, "Am I the only one who uses it to dip sourdough in?"

Another echoed the sentiment, calling it the "best dipping oil ever!" Meanwhile, others recommended using the oil for baking bread-based dishes, like focaccia or pizza dough, in place of olive oil in the recipe, with one member noting, "I don't like wasting things."

Pasta enthusiasts had their own suggestions for enhancing standard dishes. "Toss through roasted veg and pasta salad," one comment advised, while another recommended using it for pasta sauce. They elaborated, suggesting, "Put a bit at a time and stir through with garlic, feta, small tomatoes chopped in half, and bacon."

For those keen on marinating, the herb oil proved versatile. "I use it as a marinade for steak," one user revealed, with others sharing similar uses for chicken. Another popular choice was incorporating the oil into dishes like risotto or quiches, adding a delicious twist to traditional recipes.

A raw flank steak marinating in a glass baking dish
Others suggested using the oil to marinade meat. Photo: Getty

While most of the suggestions were enthusiastic and positive, there were a few cautionary notes about the quality of the oil itself.

One member warned, "Just check that it's not canola oil - if it is, it's bad for you, throw it out. It very rarely will be a good oil like olive oil, even the olives in the delis are either with canola oil, or if you're lucky, sunflower oil."

Another added, "It probably is cheap oil. Stays in our bodies for years."

However, a third person countered, "You just ate the feta that marinated in it so chucking it over potatoes and roasting them isn't going to matter to you."


For those who are still unsure about using the oil immediately, one member had a practical solution: "I usually throw out, but after seeing all the great ideas, I am going to freeze in cubes and then store in lock bags to use."

Whether you're roasting veggies, marinating meat, or whipping up a salad dressing, thanks to the creativity of the Aldi Mums community, there are now countless ways to use every last drop of that delicious oil.

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