A beginner's guide to star sign dates, symbols and what yours means for you

Don't know your star sign dates or zodiac sign symbol? Are you new to astrology and after an overview of horoscopes and star signs? Well, look no further because we’ve got the low-down on everything you need to know about your star sign, from star sign dates to symbols and the celebrities who you share a sign with.

People interpret and use their star sign as a guide for lots of different things. Whether it can help you to understand a bit more about yourself, or figure out your relationships and friendships. It can be a useful tool when it comes to recognising our own traits and characteristics, and accept where your positives are, and perhaps the areas where you need to work on a little bit more.

There are three modalities: Cardinal zodiac signs that start a season, Fixed zodiac signs that embody each season fully, and Mutable zodiac signs that conclude each season. There are four zodiac signs in each - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in Cardinal, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius in Fixed, and Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces in Mutable.


The star signs then also fit into four different elements: Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.)

Here are the star sign dates you need to know about:

Born on the cusp of two star signs? Each year, the dates of the 12 signs shift a little, so if you’re born on the edge of one sign (typically around the 21st – 23rd of the month) then you’re known as ‘born on the cusp’ (although to know for sure exactly what sign you are, you just look up the specific dates for the year you were born and stick with that, okay?)

Cusp days signify endings and beginnings, new possibilities and shifting perspectives. Taking it even further, many people who are born around a cusp feel like they embody traits from both of the star signs they ~straddle~, in fact many enjoy this fluidity and flexibility. However, IRL, it’s a bit of a red herring. Even if you’re on the exact cusp, you’re still the sign you are born into, there is no astrological ‘wriggle room’.


Next up, here's everything you might need to know about your zodiac sign, from its zodiac symbol, likes and dislikes, and even the other star signs you get on best with. Because even if you're not fully committed to a life aligned with the stars, it's a great way to understand why you *might* not get on with someone, or why you sometimes just feel that click.

Aries star sign dates

aries star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Aries star sign dates: 21st March – 19th April

  • Aries zodiac symbol: The Ram - because of Aries’ brave, tenacious ability to climb to the top of the mountain, no matter what.

  • Aries element: Fire

  • Ruling House: First House of Self

  • Ruling planet: Mars

  • Ideal careers: Sales, finance or hedge fund management, soldier, paramedic, firefighter, sports star, reality TV contestant.

Aries star sign traits mean you're warm, lovable and adorable - and they infuriate as much as they inspire affection. They crash, bang, wallop their way through life, demanding (and often getting their way) that they are first / best / biggest / rewarded.


Despite their competitiveness, they have an adorable naivety and wholesomeness, they just love to be loved and valued, and they love others just as warmly. They will stick up for you, fight for you, and help you, to their last breath. A true ride or die sign.

Who gets on best with Aries? Kind of everyone, because they’re so friendly and open. However, like all elemental groups, the Fire sign trio (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) all get on well with each other. They're all bright, bubbly, outgoing and action-orientated.

Aries celebrities: Reese Witherspoon, Kourtney Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Seth Rogen, Jessica Chastain.

Taurus star sign dates

taurus star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Taurus star sign dates: 20th April – 20th May

  • Taurus zodiac symbol: The Bull - because of their resilience and stubbornness! And, like a bull, they can be both frighteningly fierce or serenely gentle.

  • Taurus element: Earth

  • Ruling House: Second House of Income

  • Ruling planet: Venus

  • Ideal careers: Hospitality, fashion, interior design, architect, chef, engineer, construction, teacher, beautician, hairdresser.

Taureans reflect their spirit animal, the bull, very well in that they are either docile, chewing the cud, and lazing around or all-out, code-red hooves pounding, nostril flaring, raging and storming. Mostly though, they are the former: super-charming, laidback, aesthetic, into their indulgences and worldly pleasures.

Taurus star signs are stubborn, it’s true. That, however, is not necessarily a flaw, but the result of their long-winded and calculated deliberations over everything they encounter. Taureans don’t reach their conclusions quickly or easily, so they hold on to them.

Who gets on best with Taurus? Nearly everyone fancies them because they have this chilled, sensual demeanour which draws people in, perhaps we sense their love of a good time... But, like all elemental groups, the Earth sign trio (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) all get on well with each other.

Taurus celebrities: Channing Tatum, The Queen, Jessica Alba, Gigi Hadid, Jessica Lange.

Gemini star sign dates

gemini star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Gemini star sign dates: 21st May – 20th June

  • Gemini zodiac symbol: The Twins - because of their duality, versatility and ability to talk twice as fast and say twice as much as everyone else.

  • Gemini element: Water

  • Ruling House: Third House of Communication

  • Ruling planet: Mercury

  • Ideal careers: Journalism, writing, PR, advertising, vlogging or blogging, influencer, teacher, critic, poet, presenter, politician.

Gemini is the perennial ‘Peter Pan’ of the zodiac. Gemini star sign traits are fickle, clever, adventurous, ever-youthful, know-it-all elf who can make magic out of thin air. Geminis are creative, curious and communicative.

People think Geminis are two-faced, but this is perhaps more driven by their super-powered perceptiveness. They can simply see all sides to things, and even what might lie ahead, so they hedge their bets till the cards are on the table, for sure. Gemini is a shrewd player.

Who gets on best with Gemini? Many people fleetingly fancy Geminis because of their youthful, fun, partying exterior… but not THAT many can get past their actual chilly nature and need to be free and untethered. Relationships are sometimes difficult for them. Just one person for forever and forever? Mmm…

Gemini celebrities: Angelina Jolie, Kanye West, Marilyn Monroe, Stevie Nicks, Naomi Campbell.

Cancer star sign dates

cancer star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Cancer dates: 21st June – 22nd July

  • Cancer zodiac symbol: The Crab - because they are secretive and guarded. A hard shell protects the soft flesh beneath (their extreme emotional sensitivity).

  • Cancer element: Water

  • Ruling House: Fourth House of Home Life

  • Ruling planet: The moon

  • Ideal careers: Therapist, doctor, counsellor, social worker, lawyer, agent, spy, artist, director or producer, actor, mimic.

Never, ever cross a Cancerian, because they never, ever forget a grudge, and they can hate HARD. That said, they also love even harder, and are perhaps the most passionate, loyal and giving sign of the whole zodiac (although Pisces gives them a run on that).

Cancer star sign traits include sexy, intuitive, funny, moody, secretive and knowing. They understand other people very well, but often remain an enigma themselves (frankly, this is how they like it).

Who gets on best with Cancer? Cancerians typically have a string of admirers because they’re usually physically beguiling, funny and intelligent, love sex, and indulge in flirting like it’s going out of fashion. Online dating was a setback for the Cancerian sign - their greatest strength is ‘pulling’ socially, but hey, times change.

Cancer celebrities: Ariana Grande, Chris Pratt, Lana Del Rey, Khloe Kardashian, Meryl Streep.

Leo star sign dates

leo star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Leo star sign dates: 23rd July – 22nd August

  • Leo zodiac symbol: The Lion - because of their regal and noble personality, they love to lead and naturally protect those they perceive as being vulnerable.

  • Leo element: Fire

  • Ruling House: Fifth House of Romance and Self-Expression

  • Ruling planet: The sun

  • Ideal careers: Sales, sports, any kind of dramatic art, politician, presenter, CEO, CFO, COO, entrepreneur, consultant, manager.

Leo star sign traits include classy, bougie, ratchet, sassy, moody, nasty! Yup, someone was talking about a Leo right there. Always in the middle of things, always acting out, always entertaining and mesmerising and irascible.

Leos are big, bold characters who are fiercely protective of others. They expect to lead the pack, they ARE the alpha, thank you very much. That said, they play the role well, so it’s easier to just them get on and be the boss. We’re just here to serve the zodiac’s lion/esses!

Who gets on best with Leo? Leos are big time flirts and tend to their list of admirers with the same effort and attention as many of us would put into, like, a job. The Leo flirt prides themselves on being able to crack any nut - in fact the tougher the crowd, the more obsessed they are.

Leo celebrities: Kylie Jenner, Barack Obama, Jennifer Lopez, Helen Mirren, Daniel Radcliffe.

Virgo star sign dates

virgo sstar sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Virgo star sign dates: 23rd August – 22nd September

  • Virgo zodiac symbol: The Virgin - because of their pure intentions, and their modest, conscientious nature. They’re often pictured holding a sheaf of wheat which symbolises the fertilisation of ideas / skills to benefit the world.

  • Virgo element: Earth

  • Ruling House: Sixth House of Wellness and Daily Routine

  • Ruling planet: Mercury

  • Ideal careers: Civil engineer, manager, administrator, lawyer, social worker, teacher, critic, quality control, architect, construction, town planner.

Virgos are so very hard on themselves, they carry a secret and savage ~inner critic~ who challenges their every move and word, and this makes them outwardly ~perfect~, but inwardly full of angst and turmoil which they try to bottle up. They are deep and complicated people.

Virgo star sign traits include being smart, analytical, perceptive and helpful. They love helping others (it keeps the ~inner critic~ quiet when they get recognition or praise). Having a Virgo in your life is like having the most practical, supportive aide you could hope for. Get one!

Who gets on best with Virgo? Virgos’ attractive, poised outward demeanour and quick wit ensure they’re never short of admirers. Elementally, they get on great with other Earth signs. The Earth sign collective are all of one mind: they like material indulgence (food, drink, sex, shopping), status (more shopping) and generally prefer settled, secure relationships rather than running around town (although they’re not prudes) - so Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn are all good in relationships together.

Virgo celebrities: Beyonce, Freddie Mercury, Pink, Blake Lively, Zendaya.

Libra star sign dates

libra star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Libra star sign dates: 23rd September – 22nd October

  • Libra zodiac symbols: The Scales - because Librans are ALL about balance. Keeping everything on an even keel and behaving with fairness are their driving motivations.

  • Libra element: Air

  • Ruling House: Seventh House of Partnership

  • Ruling planet: Venus

  • Ideal careers: Lawyer, justice worker, analyst, business consultant, trouble shooter, diplomat, interior designer, fashion designer, architect, activist.

Librans, ruled by Venus, are charming, flirtatious, clever, beautiful and people-pleasing, the sort of company you can never tire of.

However, all of that diplomacy and smoothness can create inner tension for Libra star signs - they procrastinate, struggle to commit, and can lean into ~shapeshifting~ vs voicing their authentic feelings, so eager are they to avoid conflict and stress. Librans just want everyone to get along, is it too much to ask?

Who gets on best with Libra? Libra and Taurus are both ruled by Venus so they share a liking for beauty, the arts, self-indulgence and pleasure. Srsly, get these two together and they could shop, eat, drink and bonk their way through 24:7. Champion Indulgers, a dangerous combo!

Libra celebrities: Cardi B, Will Smith, Kim Kardashian, Halsey, Serena Williams.

Scorpio star sign dates

scorpio star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Scorpio star sign dates: 23rd October – 21st November

  • Scorpio zodiac symbol: The Scorpion - because Scorpios are kinda’ dangerous, a secretive creature which can poison its enemies if riled… beware!

  • Scorpio element: Water

  • Ruling House: Eighth House of Emotional Bonds and Sexual Intimacy

  • Ruling planet: Pluto

  • Ideal careers: Soldier, security, paranormal investigator, researcher, scientist, journalist, extreme sports star, mystic, writer.

Scorpio star signs are strong, powerful, independent and even ruthless people, who know what they want and will move mountains to get to it. Scorpios are passionate, intense and a little bit dangerous. Others are drawn to their dark charisma, but they can get stung! Scorpios expect totally loyalty, and will punish those who don’t deliver it.

Never cross a Scorpio. Revenge is a ~thing~ for them. Also, never expect that you’ll ever really know them all the way down to the bottom. Scorpios are happy to analyse you all day long, but will never allow the laser beam of questioning or insight to be turned on them. They are very private and guarded.

Who gets on best with Scorpio? Aries and Scorpio share a planetary influence, but it’s Mars so unless they’re on the same side (in which case they’re unstoppable) this CAN go another way... like, downhill. They’re either the fiercest of allies or the deadliest of enemies.

Scorpio celebrities: Drake, Katy Perry, Winona Ryder, Julia Roberts, Kendall Jenner.

Sagittarius star sign dates

sagittarius star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Sagittarius star sign dates: 22nd November – 21st December

  • Sagittarius zodiac symbol: The Archer - because they aim high and true, love the outdoors and enjoy the thrill of the case.

  • Sagittarius element: Fire

  • Ruling House: Ninth House of Adventure and Higher Learning

  • Ruling planet: Jupiter

  • Ideal careers: Teacher, philosopher, academic, writer, vlogger, vet, ranger, gardener, farmer, comedian, entrepreneur, artist.

The Sagittarius stair sign is the zodiac’s verbal hooligan, #nofilter, saying whatever springs into their head whenever it springs there! They say what others are thinking, but they get away with it because they are friendly, funny and absolutely not malicious.

Sagittarius is freedom-loving, playful, energetic, philosophical, nature-obsessed, and passionate. A lively and optimistic Fire sign, ruled by Jupiter which, happily for them, makes them the luckiest star sign too.

Who gets on best with Sagittarius? At face value? Everyone. Sagittarius is one of the most open, friendly, enthusiastic and energetic signs - a human Tigger. Getting to really know them is a trickier business, but that comes later.

Sagittarius celebrities: Nicki Minaj, Chrissy Teigen, Jake Gyllenhaal, Miley Cyrus, Anna Faris.

Capricorn star sign dates

everything to know about a capricorn and their traits
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Capricorn star sign dates: 22nd December – 19th January

  • Capricorn zodiac symbol: The Goat - because they are a determined animal who rises up the path by taking advantage of every foothold. Always climbing.

  • Capricorn element: Earth

  • Ruling House: Tenth House of Career and Public Image

  • Ruling planet: Saturn

  • Ideal careers: Entrepreneur, construction, engineering, business consultant or owner, lawyer, retail, teacher, financial expert, accountant, tax officer.

Capricorn is the hardest worker in the room, no question, and will strive and persist to achieve their ambitions, long after the more talented or more show-y types have given up.

Capricorn star sign traits are shrewd, patient, materialistic, loyal, determined, strong, and stoic. They are a good ~rock~ to lean on, and make for excellent friends and partners. Their ~secret weapon~ is their dry GSOH which only comes out to play with those they know and trust.

Who gets on best with Capricorn? The Earth sign crew (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) all get on well with each other. They're on each other's wavelength and share similar priorities and values - to a degree, anyway. There's a pragmatic, materialistic, hard-headedness to them. They have no interest in the ethereal or imaginative realm, it's all money/ appetite/ status/ reward.

Capricorn celebrities: Jared Leto, Timothée Chalamet, Kate Middleton, Kit Harington.

Aquarius star sign dates

aquarius star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Aquarius star sign dates: 20th January – 18th February

  • Aquarius zodiac symbol: The Water-Bearer - symbolically, the water represents truth, which Aquarians deliver freely and fairly to the world. A truth-sayer!

  • Aquarius element: Air

  • Ruling House: Eleventh House of Networking

  • Ruling planet: Uranus

  • Ideal careers: Pilot, astronaut, engineer, scientist, activist, researcher, investigator, justice worker, campaigner, politician, inventor, writer.

Aquarians come across like eccentric enigmas - outgoing and friendly but also closed-off and private. They love people, but absolutely need their own space, and really rather prefer to do things solo. They are assertive and confident in their own opinions, but can seem aloof or disinterested in those of others. They dance to their own beat, basically.

Aquarius star sign traits include being clever, technology-savvy, innovative, humanitarian and idealistic. They want the best for this planet, and care about global, even universal, issues and causes.

Who gets on best with Aquarius? The Air sign trio (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) all get on well with each other. They're all clever, opinionated and analytical. There's a lot of talking. Maybe even some disagreeing, but it's all on a kind of cerebral level. They get off on each other's intellect.

Aquarius celebrities: Harry Styles, Oprah Winfrey, Alicia Keys, Emma Roberts.

Pisces star sign dates

pisces star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned
  • Pisces star sign dates: 19th February – 20th March

  • Pisces zodiac symbol: Two fishes tied to one another, swimming in opposite directions- because all Pisceans swim amidst shifting emotional currents, and are plagued by both conflicting desires and extremes of temperament.

  • Pisces element: Water

  • Ruling House: Twelfth House of Spirituality

  • Ruling planet: Neptune

  • Ideal careers: Medicine, healing, counselling, therapist, teacher, social worker, coach, musician, poet, actor, creative, marketing, campaigner.

Pisces star sign is the romantic, soulful, intuitive, imaginative empath of the zodiac. Pisceans FEEL everything more deeply, their skin seems thinner than everyone else’s, and they find the cruel world a tough place to be in at times, such is their compassion and idealism.

Pisceans are the final sign of the zodiac, and therefore possess a little of each of the preceding eleven’s traits. They ~get~ people, they know what makes other ticks. They are wise and understanding, sometimes they just know too much.

Who gets on best with Pisces? The Water sign trio (Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer) all get on well with each other. They're all emotional, secretive and intuitive. There's a lot of watching vs talking and, to outsiders, it might look like nothing is happening (you just can't see all the *vibes* being communicated amongst them).

Pisces celebrities: Camila Cabello, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Millie Bobby Brown, Emily Blunt.

What is your moon sign?

So know that you know what your star sign (otherwise known as sun sign) is, which represents which sign the sun was in when you were born, know you need to know what your moon sign is.

The earth takes 30-31 days to change signs as it orbits around the sun, so you share your sun sign with everyone born in that month-long time span. But there’s a whole lot more to your astrological make-up, including a complete zodiac birth chart maps where ALL of the planets, as well as the sun and moon, were in the sky at the exact moment of your birth. This creates a much more detailed picture of your personality, strengths and destiny in life.

After your star/sun sign, your moon sign is worth knowing about. The moon is the Earth’s only satellite, and it changes zodiac sign every few days, so it’s a fast-moving piece in the birth chart (whereas an outer i.e. far away planet like Pluto or Uranus only changes zodiac sign over years, if not decades). Your moon sign can be a big reason why you act and are different to other people who share your sun sign.

Use Cafe Astrology's tool to work out your moon sign, and then read on to discover what it means for you and your life… FYI, you’ll need your date, time and place of birth.

What is your rising sign?

Your rising sign refers to the zodiac sign that was rising on the Eastern horizon when you were born. It’s about first impressions. It typically describes how others see you IRL, and can also predict your gut, off-the-cuff reactions to events. Your rising sign is the part of you that is most visible to others; your outward facade / social version.

Use an ascendant sign calculator to figure out your rising sign.

Opposite astrological signs

Many believe the secret to a successful love life is written in the stars, and astrology could. be key to finding you your perfect match. The typical rule of thumb is to look to your own astrological element group or opposite sign for your best match. Those opposite signs are:

  • Aries & Libra

  • Taurus & Scorpio

  • Gemini & Sagittarius

  • Cancer & Capricorn

  • Leo & Aquarius

  • Virgo & Pisces

But we’re not all about the typical rule of thumb here.

What about those oddball, weirdly electric matches that has everyone raising an eyebrow, including, sometimes, the people embroiled within them? Unlikely matches that make sense include:

  • Gemini and Virgo

  • Aries & Gemini

  • Taurus & Leo

  • Cancer & Sagittarius

  • Virgo & Aquarius

  • Scorpio & Capricorn

  • Pisces & Libra

For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, visit Kerry's TarotBella page.

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